fishrocker's songs-6/1112

as anthony said, fast bits a bit off, and i didnt like sheet 21, its key changed and became wierd.

I thought for sure my thread would’ve hit 2000 views by now, especially with my finished arrangement of Canon Rock. I thank all those who listened to it, and posted a reply. You guys can each get an epic guitar solo. (hlisten)

Well anyway, I made a new song, Talking Clams.

nice new song! i gave it a 4 (hlisten)

Talking clams = = 5

fish, you’re getting better and better at this (hlisten) 5/5 for Talking Clams.

thanks for the comments guys

Talking clam! 8/5! Thats going into my sig.

Whats with the title though?

The title, you ask? Remember from Spongebob, when they build a clubhouse and it launches them into the forest, leaving them stranded there with the Magic Conch? At one point in the episode, Spongebob and Patrick ask the Magic Conch what to do to get out of the kelp forest. It replies, “Nothing.” They sit and do nothing and Squidward goes his own way and builds a camp with a fire. He tells them they could have a fire, shelter, and food (though Squidward only has a cooked bug to eat), but they listened to a TALKING CLAM.

There’s the story behind the title of my new song, Talking Clam. Tune in next week to hear the story behind the song title, Direct Fail. So long folks.

DANG…and I thught me randomly remembering that in “Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Askaban” the page Prf. Snape tells everyone to turn to when he subs for the dark arts teacher was 874 was wierd…

Wierd stuff. I like remembering wierd things.
I just realized that my thread title is labeled Talking Clams Ooops…

It’s that time of the week, BUMP THREAD TIME!

Epic bump is epic

I agree with the guy I just quoted.

I can see why

A very unusual bump lol

Yes! Thanks for the Mr.Green. I’m gonna save it for dinner!

Ok. You might get another one later…

extreme pickles is extremely extreme, I say this Extremely. 4/5 (7-8 were wierd.)

Why, an extremely extreme use of extreme words in the most extreme manner of extremely extreme words. Pretty extreme, eh?

Those were the most extremely extreme posts in a extremely extreme manner! You should become an extremly extreme, to the extreme user group…I bet that woud become extremely popular…I just extremely wish that I was as extremely extreme as you all are…but I realize myself that I am the most un-extremest extreme person who has never been very extremely extreme. EXTREMELY EXTREME TO THE EXTREME!!!

P.S. I hope this isn’t considered extremely spammingbecause that would make me extremely sad in the most extremest way. I was jsut extremely contributing to this already extreme conversation about how extreme Extreme Pickles was. Extremely…

but dont start calling extreme pickles pickaly because the only extreme way pickles are extreme is because pickles are extremly bad… Which is extremely wierd because anthoneys song isn’t extremly pickaly bad…