Flooded Factory Zone (Original Piece) by Caleb Taylor


I’ve been trying to pull through without Internet by going to places with Wi-Fi and then going back home once I get Notessimo open, lol

Anyhoo, have another fake Sonic song. :V


Why V2?

well, what’s wrong with v2?

I went someplace with Wi-Fi and had opened up the Legacy version (V3 with V2 instruments) before I went home, hence why I was stuck with V2 sounds. I tried to do the same thing with V3 in the past since I have another song in the works for that version, but there’s a weird glitch with volume control that makes the whole thing crash (anybody else bump into that issue?). It’s stopped me in my tracks a few times too many…

But I’ll still try as many times as necessary.

Are you, by chance, talking about Error 1009?

I don’t know the error code off the top of my head, but it’s the one that just says “Dude! No!”

It doesn’t go away and it forces me to close out of the program without saving. It’s the bane of my existence when I work in V3.

Yeah, that sounds familiar. It should let you save a copy, regardless.
To avoid this issue, you want to use the arrows beside the input bar before/after typing in the number. I don’t know how, but it works.

Changing the volume of a large amount of instruments crashes it, but it should be safe if when after you type in the number you click out of it like a confirmation and then press OK.