I beat every song on expert with First Guitar, Then Drums!
If you can beat all the songs on drums on expert +, then I’ll be impressed
lol, good luck!
Yeah. You’ll need it. Double bass at 200+ BPM (Fight Fire with Fire, Dyers Eve, and Disposable Heroes are just a few lol)
Sorry for being mean (look down some)
I can do Hell bent for leather on expert + WITH one bass pedal and 5 stars.
Ooops. I didn’t notice that (and the others didn’t either). At least I got the names of the strings right. But I never said it was a power chord.

E----------EPIC FAIL!!!
You are the worst tabber ever! you completley switched up the order of the strings! ROFL!
and 2nd of all that isn’t even a power chord!
Wow, way to sound like a dick. Fishrocker hardly even plays the instrument, let alone looks at tabs. At least he gave it a shot.
Sorry for being mean, fishrocker.