How cooperative is Notessimo?

Red kept failing me everytime.

What do you mean?

Awaiting Participants.

I just want to throw a brick at her whenever she says that.

I’m gonna be waiting in there for a while if anyone wants to join.

Yay, get to hear this for a while.

Iight I’m in there with Kd.

Oh shit, I just realized something. Since the share bug’s back, what are muse and slip going to do? D: (i know this is the wrong thread, but this is important stuffs)

Lol, rhetorical question?
But seriously DD, get in here! There’s 2 of us now… 2 more!

I don’t want to know, but join the game.


We need Anthony or Fireball…
If any of you two are reading this… join now!!

I’m trying to get Benzee to play. I’m talking to him on FB.

HOW DO i MAKE MY NAME? i had capslock on lol sorry if i offend anybody with my YELLLLLLLLLLIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNNNNNNNNG
edit i was green and i sucked lol

I’m not Hummelstown, I’m Beachwood.

You show up as Hummelstown… are you yellow right now?


Lol I am yellow, but Hummelstown is in PA.

Oh and sorry gtg

That’s what it says you are.
And you failed me. DX I needed you Fish!

please tell me how to make my name