How cooperative is Notessimo?

What do you mean? Your name is what city you’re in.


I really wanted to be T-nigs

One more…

This’ll be my last one. (If we get a 4th.)


well, a side question. should I make a Facebook account? I really dont want to, because ill get addicted, I know that for sure, but It seems to make for easy communication.

@Kd me too most likely, plus no ones on DX

Worth it for the easy communication, the addiction is a small one though.

It’s great for communication. DO IITTT!

I’ll do it then. Not right away, though.

Alright, cool.
Screw it, we aren’t getting a fourth, I’m out.


lol hopefully im not too late only 12 minutes after you posted that…not all that late

Also i should be Osage Beach or Camdenton


What’s my name? Green one.

Henderson, what about me (yellow)?

Lake Ozark.

And damn, so close to Las Vegas D:

Your Lake Ozark. Anyone enjoy my teleportation skills?

LOL lake ozark… i don’t even get my exact town name, what ever… it works and the lake is awesome anyway lol

Not really since i wasn’t looking

Nice edit dood.

Who was green? D:


Red became empty.

I dunno but I was AFK till 1 minute lol.