How do you pronounce "Notessimo"?

Men, i Pronounce No/Te/Si/Mo because i speak spanish, and the E dont speak ei, its sepak e only do ayone understand me??

Si, por supuesto!

(Yes, of course! (I think…)

Yes, English is the most peculiar language. I’m glad I don’t have to learn it.

Starwars, your spanish is good! [XD]

Really, how do you learn spanish?

I kinda didn’t.
I find it weird how in Spanish the e sounds like i and the i sounds like e.

OMG Take those songs of your sig.

I didn’t. I’m taking Spanish 1 right now, and it just so happens that we are studying responses like those right now.

Also, you should probably listen to this very soon, there’s already a rule against posting more than one song, IMO no one should put their song in their sig, it just clogs every sub-forum you post in. Also it’s the same song in each! =(

No guitar skills… ONLY E is like I

Aver quien sabe lo que escribi…

Who has got a relative on Argentina???

Now I do know basic question words, quien means “who.” Also Spanish 1 mainly focuses on conjugated verbs, I believe escribir means “to write.” Que means “what” (I did really good in question words ).

I will now cheat and use my Spanish Dictionary to look up the other words…hmm…sabe is “know,” and lo is “it” which probably means it could also be “I” because there are so many words that mean “it” and it ends with o. I skipped aver because it wasn’t in my dictionary

Aver who know I what wrote.

Change the words around and you get:
Who knows what I wrote. I assume aver means either so or now, those are the only words I can think of that make sense.

Now, who knows what I wrote?

My spanish teacher is from Argentina! Does that count? My only other link to Spanish is that my dad is fully fluent in it.

Yes!! you pass the test with 10!

-ir verbs end with e though not i when you congegate them…only escribimos has the i…
the translation is perfect though


No thanks, I’ve got enough with Irish and French. Although I’d happily tell Irish to shove it and start learning Spanish instead but my school doesn’t allow that.

waits for starburst to justify thread

Alas if only Starburst listened to us.

notes-ee-moh or no-tess-i-moh

That is exactly what I got with Microsoft Sam. LOL.

I sometimes pronounce it like zip zop zoobity bop

how I pronounce it, then get yelled at my friend for pronouncing it wrong:

Notes seem oe

Edit: Notes seem O

I said it “no tisah mo” then my bro told me it’s said “note ssimo”. My bro says it’s for a “note simulator”.

Someone ask Starburst for crying out loud! HEAR how he says it some how, on the phone or skype or somtin’.