How to Rank Up?

How do I rank up? People have different ranks like ‘Newbie’, ‘Moderators’, ‘Site Administrators’, etc. How do all of the Notessimusers can rank up (like from ‘Newbie’ to ‘Rookie’)?

Administrator are people who own Notessimo
(Starburst, frankov, benzo)

Moderators are people who, well, moderate the site

Maestro are people who were given early access to the v3 beta. Moderators were also given early access.
(4in1, Ace1257, Clearwater Sapphire, carrot, GCVL. Hellstick)

Supporters are people who donated money towards Notessimo, but the donation system is not implemented yet.

Newbie and Advanced Member are based on how many posts you make. I think it might be 10 posts or more to become an Advanced Member


newbie:0-9 posts
advanced member:10-infinity
Change name of member title :500+
Moderator: you have to be appointed. Most likely will never happen
Administrator: must be friend or relative of Starburst. Many people are not.

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You forgot malice

And Swapon and Spacepixel.

Don’t forget Validating… and Banned!
“Validating…” is when you have just registered but have not confirmed the thingy in your email.
“Banned” is pretty self-explanatory. It’s when you are permanently banned and cannot view the forum or anything else.

Don’t forget suspended :wink:

I don’t thing I’ve ever seen that group.

aw, now maestros and mods have bold text.