I am extremely angry right now

I am so extremely angry that you need to listen to me. Some crap about not having access to ChatGPT made me angry and that was because my computer was seized when I entered the code sent to a phone. Now my computer’s screen my broken and I swear to god that I will get access to ChatGPT tomorrow.

I was able to create music. Now it feels like I took too much crack and nothing left of EX and PT in my mind. Just Lloviant and I need to work on The 2023 Project. I am going to be big in 2023.

The need to use ChatGPT made me refuse to create another The 2023 Project comic. Go extremely dumb and I am going to leave Notessimo. I am bad at music.

Good luck with your endeavors.

I still don’t understand what EX and PT really is.