I Cant Live Without You by Bryan Diaz

Hi. Good job on this song! My username is ‘cartrox01.’ If you want to listen to my songs that I post click on the link (note: the songs are called, “Where The Party’s At” and, “Chinese Beats.” http://www.notessimo.net/viewforum.php?f=29546

From cartrox01 Keep on rocking!

Hey it’s cartrox01! I made two more songs. Well the 1st one is called 63541. I forgot to log in when I made my song and posted it so the username on it is guest so don’t get confused. you can search it in the search engine. The 2nd IS in my profile. It is called The Future Cybertron. I know… weird name. I couldn’t think of any better names. But it was worth it. I guess it got some peeps’ attention cuz itz got already like, I dont know, 3 listens. And I just posted it today!!! Itz awesome.
So feel free 2 comment on my songz. Hear from ya soon,
