I feel like I don't know you all well enough.

Name: Mike
Age: 14
Sex: Mail
Race: white
From: NJ
Live: NJ
School/Job: High School (same as Ben’s)
Hobbies: being a lazy pair of pants, Notessimo, eating ho-made chocolate chip cookies
Game Console: PS2 (GH/Madden)
Color: I don’t really have a favorite…
Music: Instrumental Rock (Joe Satriani, Buckethead) and some Metal (Metallica, Iron Maiden)
Single/Taken: single (PHAILURE)
Something Awesomely Random: Can you give me a hint?
Pic (If You Can):

The one in blue is myself, the one in pink is…I don’t know lol

how tall is everybody? Im around the 5ft 9-10in.

Name: No Name
Age: You should know.
Race; The big C word that means either White or Canadian
From: Canada
Live: Canada
School: JH
Hobbies: Lazy-ass, see my profile.
Interests: Repeat.
Game Console(s): XBOX 360, DSi, PS2, Ds, Wii, Gamecube
Colour: Green
Music: Alternative (Sum 41, Ten Second Epic, Billy Talent)
Single/Taken: (EPIC PHAILURE!)
Something Awesomely Random:
Pic (If You Can0: If you are reading this part, you are a sick bastard.

5’ 6"ish

I am about 5’8". My picture makes me look smaller though, but i am really 5’8".

Im around 5’ 6" (last time i checked )

Location: Texas

Name: chan
Age: 20
Sex: female
Race: white
Where you’re from: colorado
Where you live: colorado
Job/School: mesa state
Hobbies: music, vidya gaems, drawing, crafts
-Game Console: im not picky
-Color: purple
-Food: im not picky
-Music genre: im not picky
Single/taken: taken
Something awesomely random: amano toto toso ray bardo?
Picture of yourself(if you can): http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=1 … 0180254329

I envy your bravery

No one else would post a pic.

Name: Jerod
Age: Old Fuck (25)
Sex: Occasionally
Race: Daytona 500
Where you’re from: The womb
Where you live: The World
Job: Blow
School: Overrated
Hobbies: Answering questions about myself
-Game Console: Anything that doesn’t require me to excerise
-Color: Burnt Ciena
-Food: Fast
-Music genre: Nobuo Uematsu
Single/taken: Married for the 2nd time
Something awesomely random: I WANT CANDY!
Picture of yourself(if you can):

it’s not like i have anything to lose from doing so

Famous last words.

Name: Ty Sanders
Sex: Male
Race: Caucasian
Where you’re from: Grantham, New Hampshire
Where you live: Newport, New Hampshire
Job/School: Newport Middle High School(7th Grade)
Hobbies: School Band, Music, Video Games, etc.
-Game Console: DSi, Xbox 360, and others lol
-Color: Blood Red
-Food: Don’t Really Have One(I eat everything lol)
-Music genre: Rock and Roll(Radio Station Q106)
Single/taken: Single
Something awesomely random: I’m an Albino Penguin.
Picture of yourself(if you can): The Pictures of Myself are too big for notessimo.(I would post one if I could. Check my facebook) http://www.facebook.com/search/?ref=search&q=im%20a%20ninja&init=quick#/NinjaTeertle?ref=profile

Race… Cacuasian, Asian, Hispanic etc.

Wow clonefan…your post rivals hypos in smartassness (lol)

I’m 13 Give me a break…I’m failing every class except for band, so

Speaking of facebook, is there a thread for it already? i looked around but didn’t find one. anyway, here’s my page:

[http://www.facebook.com//profile.php?v= ... 0630036938](http://www.facebook.com//profile.php?v=feed&story_fbid=107234569290008&id=100000103962284#/profile.php?ref=profile&id=100000630036938)

Add me if you want.

i gon add bothh u an skycaeks. k? k.

Name: John
Age: 15
Sex: Male
Race: Caucasian (Scandinavian, British Isles, french, German, Canadian french)
Where you’re from: Lowell Massachusetts
Where you live: Massachusetts
Job/School: High School Freshman
Hobbies: Friends, drums, writing music, and being that weird kid.
-Game Console: 360
-Color: Red
-Food: Watermelon is a good fruit
-Music genre: Rock and Roll and metal, not neo-classical death metal, screamo, rap.
Single/taken: Single (Maybe close to taken)

Name: Jaren Jan Braza
Age: 12
Sex: FeMale
Race: Asian (Or would the phillipines be a pacific islander?)
Where you’re from: Las Vegas, Nevada
Where you live: Las Vegas, Nevada Not stalk-ish at all…
Job/School: Cashman Magnet Middle School
Hobbies: Watching Frank getting Gangsta, Patrick coming back, Haydn finishing everything a day ahead of me, Xavier being sarcastic, watching Kenyan daydream about his special someone, looking at Mr. Dickson-- hoping he doesn’t look at this, seeing Thomas, Robert, and Melissa misbehave, watching myself type as I think about everyone; Listening to Liam say “Eh?” after each sentence…
-Game Console: PC
-Color: Green
-Food: Spaghetti
-Music genre: Pop/Rock
Single/taken: Looks at age
Something awesomely random: In my band class (I’m in percussion (Also one of the best there too)) there are people who’s pants are-- quite loose. Sometimes they get down and funky with the floor and slip away enough for me to see their butt crack; and it is never hot