I feel like I don't know you all well enough.

Name:Alec Freeman
Age: Young f*** (12)
Sex: No, not really.
Race:I dunno, white.
Where you’re from:Good ol’ Englishman!
Where you live: Happy town
Job/School: Royal Gay society, High Wycombe
Hobbies: Fap fap fap AAAGGGHH! (jokes) Gaming.
Favorites: favourites? Err, dunno.
-Game Console: PC LOOOOOOL.
-Color: Green
-Food: Pizza, Spaghetti, Pasta of any kind.
-Music genre: Rock, Pendulum
Single/taken: Single
Something awesomely random:This is like signing up for a dating site.
Picture of yourself(if you can): NO

Imma staying away from you from now on o.O

Name: coughstalkercough
Age: coughstalkercough
Sex: Not now, we’ve only just met.
Race: Ok! I’m not the fastest though …
Where you’re from: coughstalkercough
Where you live: coughstalkercough
Job/School: coughstalkercough
Hobbies: coughstalkercough
Favorites: coughstalkercough
-Game Console: coughstalkercough
-Color: coughstalkercough
-Food: coughstalkercough
-Music genre: coughstalkercough
Single/taken: coughstalkercough
Something awesomely random: coughstalkercough
Picture of yourself (if you can): Sure! Why not?

What the hell?


Happy birthday ;p

That’s one GIANT F***EN SNAIL!!!

Why did you say “F***EN”? Either say the word or not. Sorry, but that’s the only think that pisses me off. As well as people using unnecessary “!” and "LOL"s , and people who speak like this!!! or this???

Ok a lot pisses me off.

I agree with you, Muse. It’s annoying. DX

Yeah I also am annoyed at Grammar Nazis like me. I just want to scream at myself “Why do you have to be so perfect?”.

maybe some people don’t like cussing!!! maybe it’s the same thing as putting a bleep there as the word starts, so you still know what word it is!!!

I know you all want to know how I am.

Age:105 dog years
Sex: Male
Race: All that don’t darken my skin. Don’t ask me how. That includes Native American, Dutch, Irish, blah blah. Not a racist, though.
Height: 5’11" when calm, about the same at the shoulder when angry.
Where you’re from: Susanville, California (It sucks, kinda redneck-ish)
Where you live:Sacramento, California (It’s too damn hot)
Job/School: The world may never know.
Hobbies:This, but more XBOX. I also play numerous instruments.
-Game Console: See above.
-Color: Blue + Red
-Food: Anything with meat
-Music genre:Rock (Alternative [Linkin Park, etc.], 80’s and 90’s rock, Coheed and Cambria)
Single/taken: Single, and cool with it.
Something awesomely random: Soy un hombre lobo.
No pic for you. Don’t have one anyway. Plus, the pic of my profile should sum it up.

your 105, in dog years?? that’s like, over 700 years old. what is your secret!?!

Oh and I found a picture of you… zombiefied


(the game is penumbra. good for nightmares)


Well if they don’t like cursing why did they use it?

And just a question, why do all the Asians live in North America?

No clue.

Not even the teeniest one?

china is prettyy poor, and Japan moved here to get away from bomb radiation maybe.

I’m not from China or Japan.

ok, whatever other war a the US wrought on those places, that’s why they’re here.