I wish I could make good music :(

I wish I could make good music. I am like the only common member who hasn’t had a feature.

All I do is write short melodies everyday, I have a stockpile of melodies I don’t use.
Sometimes I take one of my melodies and spend a few minutes putting it into Notessimo, adding some chords, basic rhythms and a basic beat and call it a “loop”.

My only satisfaction is to make quality music that everyone will enjoy.
I suck. Give me tips.

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My advice? Learn Music Theory. Once you have a fairly good grasp of how music and sound work, completely disregard it and create something from within yourself, which is the only truly unique aspect of anyone’s music. But learn how to make music first. Because while a select few of us are simply gifted with the inspiration to make great music, most people (myself definitely included), had to learn the theory, practice making music for a long time, and endure a lot of critique before we became satisfied with how our art became.

Really sucks for a little while but if you are willing to stick with it you will wind up successful.

People rarely give me criticism so I don’t know what to improve on.

Here’s what I say…
Ok so when I started making music, i had no idea what I was doing, I didn’t know any theory, I had little inspiration, and I pretty much was either covering songs, or ripping off ideas. When I wrote original stuff, and you can even check out some of my old shitty stuff (although i think some of the first few songs I uploaded here have been edited with a different song, so it’s not the original), you can tell I needed a lot of help.
I kept at it, I kept writing, despite not seeing any apparent improvements, I still kept writing. I decided I wanted to learn how to technically write, so I learned the basic knowledge of theory, keys, regular major and minor/harmonic minor, basic rhythmic notation, and how the grand staff works. This drastically opened a door on how I could write songs in different keys with different moods and rhythms. Just basic knowledge of music theory can help writing a lot.
But you know what helped me the most? I listened to a lot of music. I listened to music of different genres, similar genres, old music, new music, I took ideas, and I mashed them together to create an original sounding composition. I kept writing, improving with each song I made. I made improvement without even knowing. It seemed like I went from, in my opinion, one of the worst writers on this site, to a damn good song composer.
Think about it, I used to have to repeat over the same ideas in a song just to get it to be 2-3 minutes, now I can write up to 10 minute long songs without it being repetitive at all.

Keep writing, learn a bit of theory, and keep listening to music.


Listening to music helps?


I rarely listen to music.

I’m the worst writer on this site.

Yeah, just listen to music and start forming ideas based off of the music you listen to, and soon you’ll be able to develop your own style of composition. (<— Pretty much how I make my stuff)

That and learning a bit of theory can help, as it gives you some guidance on what kind of keys work with others and other stuff like that that allows for more complex writing. …which would explain why I haven’t written anything on this site in forever, that and not being able to read music myself.

so pretty much what apoco said

Do whatever the fuck you want. Don’t let anyone tell you that what you did is bad or good. Music is an art. If you want to do what people like … well get off notessimo and make pop music. Do what you like and if we are worthy of it then let us hear it too. Do it for you.

What I like is making something that others like.

Well, you’re someone right? Start by making something YOU like.

sup man i’ve never had a feature either

Don’t worry. I don’t have any features either and I have been here since November of 2011. I can say that I’m too busy for this nowadays and will have no inspiration. and I still haven’t fully figured out V3.



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he\s alive smh

I’m a thing.


Whenever I get inspired, and I try to make a song, it ends up being me trying for 5 minutes to get the tune tight and then giving up. But seriously, it’s really hard to make a feature-worthy song in only 5 minutes. Dedication is key. Give yourself an hour a day to work on a song. Don’t overwork as to stressing yourself out, yet don’t underwork as to forgetting your masterpiece. Covers and all are great fun to do, but just working with yourself and being patient and original pays off. It may take weeks, months, even years to get a song just right. But in the end, it’s worth it. If you ever want inspiration, just listen to and look at the structure of the most viewed/ liked/ top rated songs. Just make sure not to steal (Note: asking for permission is fine if you want to use material. Just don’t use too much of it to make your song unoriginal.).