Illness and Sadness (An Old Song Revisited) by Lyrics by: Lil' carrot. Lyrics edited by: carrot.

Took some lyrics that i made when i was an idiot.

(3 or 4 yrs old)

Original Lyrics (btw the song was originally called Illness and Greatness. [WTFUDGE?])

[details=Click to expand]Ooh, I feel…… ill.
Ooh, I feel…… great. (sounds weird)
You got to take it all then the medicine comes… to you. (that doesn’t make sense)
More questions are the best; the things that are bothering me are illness and greatness-ness-ness (seriously i thought i was a lyrical genius and those things don’t even make sense together.)
(Drum solo)
Good is Good, great is great, nice is nice. (wut)
I don’t understand the riddle, man! (wat riddle are you even talking about.)
You don’t understand the riddle.
You don’t understand the riddle.
You don’t understand the riddle. (I thought i just I don’t understand the riddle, are we talking in 2nd person now or wat)[/details]

So yeah.

Here are the revise lyrics, I made the song a song about how life is great! :slight_smile:

[details=Click to expand]Ooh, I feel…… great.
Ooh, I feel…… great.
You’ve got to take it easy so life’s dread isn’t lingering
Happiness is the best; but the things that are bothering me are Illness and sad-ne-ess.
(Drum solo)
Life is great; It is what I live for!.
Oh, I don’t understand the sadness!
I don’t understand the sadness.
I don’t understand the sadness.
I don’t understand the sadness.[/details]

Sometimes the revised lyrics are cheesy, but hey it’s at least better than that abomination of lyrics up top.

Enjoy! I like what I did with the song, and I hope you will too.



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This is cute & funky.

ha nice