I'm not seeing any songs.

I have another problem. Whenever I try to look at a song, it doesn’t show anything, not even the player. It’s just the title, the tan background that the player is usually on, and then the description. Please help.

EDIT: I also can’t maximize the composing box.
argh, what the heck is happening

Can you post a screenshot?

Maybe try reinstalling flash player, or try it in a different internet browser.

My stupid print screen key won’t do anything. I can’t take a screenshot.
:mad: :mad: :mad:
Then again, I am using my desktop computer…

Well, I’ve solved one of the problems. I can get songs to play if I use the old player. Don’t really like how it looks, but it works! :slight_smile:

go here: http://www.notessimo.net/ccs_files/swf/Notessimo_2.swf it’s a full screen compose.

get google chrome sir. Those are all the same problems I had when I had IE (what are you using anyway?)

Boy, you are a barrel of problems (:

Have you switched to a new browser, as others have suggested?

@Anthony: No, not yet.
@GCVL: I’m using IE9.
@ggfchl: If I’m going to be continuing the Rainbow Tylenol thing I made, then I can’t use the fullscreen compose, because my saved songs (including the Rainbow Tylenol bit) aren’t loaded into it.

You could save each song (file > save as…) to your computer, then load them (file > load…) on the fullscreen composer.
Also do consider using a different browser.

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I (somehow) forgot that you could do that. :mellow:

Well, how about that…
It looks like my desktop computer hates Notessimo. On the desktop, the player won’t load; on my laptop, it will :confused:
I guess the problems are fixed, then! I know what’s going on now! :slight_smile:

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It’s probably Internet Explorer. You can’t really classify it as a browser, more like the D-Grade Meat you get at Taco Bell. It tastes good but as some point you realize it’s just colored shit.


^Yea LOL

After a while of being gone, I come back to Notessimo, look at the forums, re-find this, and I realize. You are right. xD
I mean, I have Google Chrome on my laptop, and Notessimo works, and this desktop computer has IE, and the problems are in IE. I even tried using Notessimo with Google Chrome on this desktop; after that, the player and the composing box worked perfectly fine.

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I’m glad you fixed your problem.