
Recycled From Writers Block #8


Good work guys! A lot of great ideas and super dope effects!

  • Grind effect at 0:25 leading into the scratch is dope.
  • “Automation” on the pulsewave that also starts at 0:25 is - ON - FUCKING - POINT! Love to see it!
  • Wobbles at 1:24. Another equally impressive effect <3
  • Stutter break at 1:33 is cool and reminds me of the pre drop effect in Limit Breaker.
  • Qhoir stutter at 1:43 is nice although a bit low. Not sure if this is worth changing as i fear it might become overpowering if the volume is raised.
  • Lovely call and response at 2:02. Diggin’ the telephone melody and the “Hey” chant. Drum fill at 2:09 is simple but effective! Probably one of my fav sheets.
  • Lead in to chorus at 2:40 <3 Love how everything is pulled back, and the fade in leading into the kick/snare/crash hits is powerful and effective! Unfortunately, it’s almost like this transition was too effective, because it’s like the build up suggested that the drop would have more “umpfh” to it.
  • Breakdown at 3:17 is good. I enjoy the switch up. Well done on the reverb on the bells.
  • Guitar slide at 3:52 is another super well executed effect.
  • Love how you gave the filter automation time to shine at 3:57.
  • Dope rythm at 4:16
  • Liking the synth/guitar solo thing at 4:58
  • For a moment i thought ya’ll had incorporated the solo from the OG power rangers at 5:41. Ya’ll switched it up though, but it was a funny and welcome hit in the nostalgia :slight_smile:
  • Nice way to end the song with a slowed down piano version of the main theme.

A few points to concider:

  • The violin stabs at 1:43 would benefit from some very minor variation. Dropping the 8th stab to a “D6”, raising the 13th and 14th to an F#6 and raising the 15th and 16th to an “F6” works well imo.
  • Something seems disharmonious at 1:49. Dropping some of the bass notes from a “D#2” to a “B1” sounded better to me. In general, there is a few different harmonies throughout the track that sounded weird to me, but it might just be my vanilla-ass pallete trying to convince me that easier chords are preferable. It might also be that you tried to differentiate the verse from the chorus, but either way, it didn’t work for me personally.
  • The melody/guitar combo at 4:21-4:25 sounds a bit odd.
  • Although the main melody was well made it was a bit boring imo.

AAAANY way. Minor gripes, but overall really really good work. We all know this bad boy deserves a feature, so just get it done already.!

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