Kiss Kris ~ Zombies! ~ Rearranged by CtelinAjira by CtelinAjira

My first ever attempt at dubstep. Feel free to tell me how close the result is to ACTUAL dubstep.

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Iā€™m not a big fan so I think the first couple sheets are so much better than the rest of the song. But you can see all the work put into this. Amazing work here.

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Holy crap sheet 5!

and 8 XD

Would you believe me if I said he did all this in about two hours, maybe even less?
We were exchanging PMs, on the topic of dubstep, with Ctelin saying how ā€œoh, dubstep is so hard to make, I could never imagine doing dubstep on Notessimo!ā€.
I turn around, bam, this is posted. So difficult, huh?

By the way, Aliens Exist, it might interest you that your dubstep song was partly the inspiration behind this. :)

Beautiful. I have absolutely NO IDEA how you do all this many amazing songs, this fast.

I love ! :D

Whereā€™s the triplet bass I hear? D:
I could go all over-critical and be like ā€œYOU MISSED THIS EFFECTā€ or ā€œTHERE WASNā€™T AN ECHO HERE NYAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHā€ but in reality it sounds good.

Yes I used three bass instrument types.

Damn, this rocks.

Ho. Lee. Schitt.