Lengthening the note by half

Hi, I was just wondering if there is anyway to lengthen the note in notessimo by half.

What do you mean? Do you mean to go from quarter to dotted eight?

In v2, you’ll just have to manually enter the duration beside the drop-down list.
ie. dotted half = 48, dotted quarter = 24, dotted eighth = 12.

dotted sixteenth= 6
dotted 32nd =3
dotted 64= 1.5 (sorry no decimals allowed in the v2)

What about the dotted whole? Dotted whole = 96

I forgot about that. Normally in 4/4 you don’t really have those.

What about the dotted breve? 192
What about the dotted longa? 384
What about the dotted maxima? 768

How many people use the maxima?

It’s used in Notessimo when you speed up the song a whole lot because you’ve got notes that don’t fit (like dotted sixteenth notes or something) and so then you’ve got to multiply the tempo, the length of the notes, and the distance between the notes. And that’s how you end up with maximas. Or maybe there’s just a very long note in a song.

Believe it or not, but the dotted maxima is more popular than the maxima in songs that have triplets (when putting them in Notessimo).