Really, I can install mods in my sleep, blindfolded, with my hands tied behind my back.
First you need to find the special “minecraft.jar”.
Press the Windows sign and the R key. If this doesn’t work press the Ctrl key and R key instead.
Type in “%appdata%” and press “Ok”.
You should see a “.minecraft” file near the top. Double-click on it.
Double-click on the “bin” file, and then on the “minecraft.jar” file.
Locate the META-INF folder, and delete it.
Installing your mod.
Download your mod from the Minecraft forums (or wherever).
It should open as a list of .jar files.
Drag’n’drop those .jar files into the special “minecraft.jar”.
Using your mod.
If you haven’t already, download the Minecraft game.
Open it up.
If you want to remove all your mods, just delete the special “minecraft.bin”. It should repair itself.
I found one while doing something completely different (in a world where all i was doing was testing redstone and minecart stations), so i tamed it, made a house for it, and put it on a looping coaster with a booster in it…the wolf was on that ride for a very long time, but cause i was using HD and the air was slightly blocked without me knowing…my computer overheated and the save got corrupted or something cause now it won’t show…So now i’ve started my 3rd project… (almost ignoring the 2nd XD (and the 1st still hasn’t changed since last time))
Also 1.5 will have
Thats all that i really know of so far… BUT Thunderstorms make the day darker, therefor monsters could be spawning throughout the day, also if lightning hits some pigs, it makes Pigmen.