April 13, 2011, 9:37am
I’m worried about those thunderstorms… I really dont hope that notch makes it so that a lightning bolts will be able to ignote wool and wood and the likes:S
Also, i made a park in port pistris:
(It’s still a work in progress)
April 13, 2011, 8:51pm
Bleh, you’re not ambitious enough:P
One of the guys on my server made this:
The materials are all legit.
April 13, 2011, 9:49pm
Just punch a few sheep.
That’s what he did. That’s what WE did… Actually, scratch that… That’s what everyone on the SERVER didXD
Pretty much everyone tips in a little now and then to help him get the wool he needs:P
Teamwork is key^
(QVX 797)
April 18, 2011, 9:56am
Bleh, you’re not ambitious enough:P
One of the guys on my server made this:
The materials are all legit.
Just punch a few sheep.
I was just about to say that…XD
Anyway…i’m working on 2 things at the moment…
That Chasm looking thing i showed earlier…
An adventure map:
The Tomb
Looks awesome, I’ve always wanted to make an adventure map.
Tell me when you’re finished, I can’t wait to try it out.
(QVX 797)
April 18, 2011, 10:39am
You can test it before its done if you want :3
April 18, 2011, 11:20pm
(QVX 797)
April 18, 2011, 11:56pm
I almost didn’t find one of them…i have no eggs now, i threw all 5…only 1 chicken spawned
And also, the cacti/dispensers is almost suicide if you’re not on peaceful XD
…and i’ll let you test the map tomorrow…if i get the time to upload it…
but keep in mind the following things are inactive:
-Sand door at the start (but if you want to see if it works, get 3 sand blocks and delete the sandstone which is the start of the first 1x3 hallway then place the 3 blocks on top of the torch and push the button.
-Creeper Spawner (obviously) mainly because i don’t know how to modify spawners…
Also…half the signs aren’t up and few chests have items…
1.5 is out!
Added Weather (rain, snow, thunder)
Added Statistics and Achievements
New Items (Detector rail, Powered Rail, Birch and Pine/Spruce Saplings, Web)
Holding SHIFT+Click on something in a chest will immediately drag the selected item(s) into your inventory and vice-versa.
Birch and Pine/Spruce trees now drop Birch and Pine/Spruce saplings, respectively
Performance improvements
Crafting a ladder now produces 2 ladders
If lightning strikes a pig, it becomes a Zombie Pigman
New settings in options:
Ability to change GUI size (Small, Normal, Large, Auto)
Advanced OpenGL (Occlusion Culling) (For higher-end graphics cards)
New Power armor image that looks like electricity (in /armor) This file is used when a mob is hit by lightning
Items can now be smelted with Saplings with the same smelting power as Sticks.
Dropped items in flowing water move faster than before.
Pigs that die by burning now drop cooked porkchops upon death
An Axe can hit more damage. (I.E. A wooden axe kills a chicken in 1 attack)
Redstone dust can be placed on Snow (Could have caused the bug where blocks can’t be placed on snow)
Wolves are more common, even in Non-Taiga/Forest biomes
Bug Fixes:
Climbing a ladder with gaps will not work anymore, but moving downwards is still possible.
On fancy graphics, the sides of grass blocks are now biome-specific and match the shade on the top.
You can now move through flowing water at previous speed.
Wolves have a better understanding of doors. (They will go through doors most of the time, but will sometimes get stuck on the 3 pixel thickness of the door. They will eventually back up for another go at the opened door.)
The lighting on portals and ice has been fixed (previously had triangles on the blocks) when using Smooth Lighting.
On SMP, the health of wolves are now synchronized between server and client, causing wolves to only whimper when low on health, opposed to all of the time.
Redstone in off state is red again.
New Bugs:
Side grass will not work if on “Fast” graphics.
Achievements only work in SMP if you have already completed first achievement in Single Player.
FPS counter shows Chunk Updates instead of FPS, usually while generating new chunks
Crash when Detector Rails are placed beside normal rails.
Blocks can’t be placed on snow.
If you change Advanced OpenGL to on and then back again, giant holes will appear that you can see through.
Jumping off a fence in SMP triggers an anti-flight kick.
Rain will fall through transparent blocks and stairs, acting as if there is no block there. This can be a problem if your house has a stair-made roof
When hitting a grass block the destroying animation is darker on the side than the animation on top of the grass block, though only on fancy graphics.
Flowing water no longer pushes empty minecarts that fall into it
GUI: create new world input boxes misaligned under small and normal settings
Sometimes you might not get an achievement even if you do what it requires to get. This can usually be fixed by doing it in another world.
Locked Chest is once again obtainable through inventory editing or SMP /give commands. The chests can be placed, but can’t be interacted with, and they disappear shortly after placement.
In singleplayer, game resumes when ‘Achievements’ is clicked on the pause menu, instead of remaining paused.
Riding in a minecart from the south into a corner going from north to west (so it’s not connected to the current track) will crash the game. Possibly also true for other directions, yet if you’re going in the same corner coming from the east, it will work as usual.
Trying to redirect a rail corner to another track using redstone (a switch) will crash the game.
Also: http://www.the-mine.net/2011/04/beta-15.html
(QVX 797)
April 19, 2011, 9:29pm
I was literally playing 1.4_01 fifteen seconds before it updated, (minecraft had crashed (i overloaded with spawning slimes XD) then i crashed it again (after i did something else over excessive), and minecraft was then updated…
Anyway…i am yet to use the new minecart track pieces…i didn’t actually know until i checked the update…
Thunderstorms are kinda cool too
It’s great you can smelt with saplings, I have too much of the stuff.
(QVX 797)
April 19, 2011, 11:03pm
So its used in a furnace? and why not just plant them?
April 19, 2011, 11:20pm
Trees are pretty abundant and you may never have the need to plant saplings, so why not? They’re probably just sitting in your chests, taking up valuable inventory space.
April 19, 2011, 11:29pm
I have like half a chestful of saplings. It can be annoying too to walk through lots of forest.
(QVX 797)
April 20, 2011, 6:06am
Theres a wonderful creation called lava…get a bucket, get some lava, make a basement in your house with a small lavaflow, throw trash in there…done.
Your very own trash disposal.
But it could be helpful at the start if you don’t find any coal…
April 20, 2011, 11:11am
Theres a wonderful creation called lava…get a bucket, get some lava, make a basement in your house with a small lavaflow, throw trash in there…done.
Your very own trash disposal.
But it could be helpful at the start if you don’t find any coal…
But I don’t like throwing stuff out. :[ I might want to build a gravel-fortress or dirt-Parthenon.
Why do you have so much dirt? How do you have more dirt then stone?
April 20, 2011, 11:38pm
Well I dug out the big flat area we used for our muliplayer village. I like flattening land.
Also I’d have more stone if I didn’t build any structures with it.