Minecraft 1.7.banana


If any of you guys are still looking for a good server, you could try the Minecraft Official Off-Topic Server.

I’m PISSED. So… I was building a castle… and SUDDENLY, weather… except… It wasn’t rain. It was F-ing snow. I WASN’T IN A DAMN SNOW BIOME! Now my entire castle’s covered in snow…

Gotta love the weather.

Haven’t encountered snow yet…i’m guessing it’s extremely annoying however…

It looks kinda big though. (Just guessing, the map didn’t load for me.)
I don’t really want anything too big.

Anyway I’m getting tired of Minecraft, the last time I played for at least half an hour was like 5 weeks ago.
There’s a good blog post by X here. I haven’t read it but I’m guessing it has great ideas on making Minecraft more interesting. What about you guys? Are you still playing?

I have the inability to stop liking Minecraft :confused:

It’s one of those things that I can keep on playing even when It’s boring.

Is there any chance our server is going to become more reliable? Single player is too boring for me now, and I’m not a huge fan of large, open servers. I’d host it myself but a) I don’t have the world file, :mrgreen: my computer is probably too slow to handle it and c) even if it was I couldn’t host it past around 1am GMT (which is pretty early for you Americans I’d imagine).

…actually, does anyone play (or rather, if it was up, would anyone play) on our server? I can understand if Star’s not putting the server up simply because no-one goes there anymore. Shame though, it was a pretty nice world.

I’d play if more people were active.

I’d play if my computer would let me stay on for longer than 3 seconds… And if it didn’t lag :confused:

I’d play if I wasn’t busy.


I’m buying it in a week (gotta let Paypal take money from my bank account), then I’ll play with you guys. :3

I thought you bought it like a month ago…

I forgot to be honest. XD

…and how could you forget to be honest?

Goddammit. >.> You know what I meant!

I just recently acquired minecraft.

:smiley: We need to get the server online now.
