Minecraft 1.7.banana

The power went off at my house, too

Also, Have you guys played Terraria yet? This is awesome (but a billion times harder than Minecraft )!

Hmm… I don’t have whatever that is.

To piratebay!

Judging from the videos, it looks pretty fun. I’m planning to get it this week.

It just looks like a 2D version of Minecraft.

Thats the most common comparison… but It has a billion more crafting things… and monsters… It also has a much bigger vertical area.

Also, they died faster than the actual fall took X


Wow, craftable maps AND 13 new records! :smiley:

EDIT: I noticed that “Nether in SMP” wasn’t included. :frowning:

EDIT part deux:


And a whole blockload of bug fixes.

Double yay! insert something Pinkie Pie-related throws a party


Too loud?

facepalms How could I possibly miss that?

Yay! Minecraft 1.6 is released!

Can’t wait til the weekend!

What’s the server IP?

It hasn’t been up recently though. (Although I wish it was.)

Sorry about the server guys, I’ve been really busy with school this week. It’ll be up tomorrow.

€: Thanks Rai.

Alright, it’s up. Enjoy.

Server Does Not Exist Anymore? This is what happens when I don’t have a computer for weeks…

Yeah, I agree. I’m going to try making a new server.