The server will be up next week. I’m bust with exams and stuff right now.
I hope so! I haven’t played Minecraft since April…
I love Katamari!
I have Damacy and We <3 Katamari…
I’m getting that mod.
I have to get that mod!!
Pistons on Thursday!
I’m going to try pistons out right now!
Oh wait none of the servers are up.
Man… Wheres the server? Do want pistons. Also, will we be allowed slimeball spawning?
We made a separate thread for the server.
Yes, we made a fifth one.
I was wondering if anybody would like my server online. I have a lot of free time this month.
I would.
Playing with your cousins (Mostly only an eight year old) Get’s boring. x_x
Okay, it’s up.
Wait, a sixth one?
Just leave it on as much as you can, thats what I do with mine.
I didn’t know you played!
I love playing it in free time, but I want to do with you guys a pure survival, no mod, yes mobs, no commands game. Those are my favorite.