Minecraft 1.7.banana

That’s what we’re doing right now.

I’d love to do one of those too.

Really, at your server? Who’s playing?

I’ll be playing on this server now and then. Especially the coming week since I don’t have to work.

Download my new adventure map!

It’s really fun. Please try it!



(Make sure you sleep often!)

Already made it to the end :D

But I only got eight diamonds. As you’ll see in the video, I tried to back track but there’s a part in the water that blocks you, or maybe it’s just that I couldn’t see.

I probably missed something in the ice or mechanical areas, or even the tree areas if if there was one there.

EDIT: I caught 30 minutes of footage, I’ll probably be editing it into two parts, but I think I’ll show the footage in real-time, despite the fact that I back-track a lot.

Wow thanks! =D It was hard to find everything. There was 1 diamond in each area. Thanks again!

What IS the ip to the server :P :D

I don’t get where your coming from…

I bet that was my younger brother. He’s too stupid to check the front page…

Updated OP. We finally have an official server for Notessimo! Check out the ip on the first page.

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RIP Muselline.


Minecraft needed a sacrifice.

Saving Chunks
No, I don`t think you understand.
Saving Chunks

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Muse stop killing all the cows.
And stop with your genetically altered cacti that attract cows to their deaths.
Stop it…
I’m on to you.

Map: http://www.notessimo.net/page/minecraft.html

Nice to see that people are still playing this magnificent game! I personally started playing it a bit a few days back, and im hoping to get into it again so i can build some of the many structures i have envisioned.
Here’s some of the stuff i build since i “came back”

I will make sure to drop by the server tomorrow if i get the time… Although i doubt you guys will be online since i dont think many of you live in the same time zone as me… Oh wellz. Cheers!


You’re amazing at everything. Are you even human?