I beleave you asked me once before if i was a wizzard. My answer back then was “yes” and my answer now is “I still am”
Also im awesome:3
I like the boat in the first picture!
Well… please pass the humble pie to HS for dessert…
Pass the awe-ringe juice too.
I don’t know what I’m doing.
A little confidense doesnt hurt. Especially on notessimo. Too many people in this community concider themselves as untalented and their music as garbage. That is not the case. In fact, we need more people who wants to embrace their level of skill rather then bash it.
I reffer to myself as awesome all the time. I suppose that is my way of beleaving in myself and what i do. If that makes me… well… “un humble”… then so be it. I would rather keep telling myself that im awesome rather then telling myself that i cant do better then everyone else.
That being said, im actually awfully hungry. Can i still have a slice of that pie?
I cant get on the server, did you ban me?
( my username is joemcburger )
Server’s down, I believe.
I was on it literally for around 4 minutes then boom. gone. I checked everthing i could on my CPU and found nothing.
It’s definitely down.
How exactlydoes that work? Is there a problem with the IP? Do you need to run the server? Im confused
I just want to say, you can tell yourself that you’re awesome in your head, rather than telling it to everyone else. But I’m not berating you or anything.
You checked everything you could on your Central Processing Unit?
The server has to be run like a program.
I was about to ask the same thing. And then the question: How?
Power outage again
It’s back online now
Yeah, its up
What mods should I put on the server?
Oh Starburst! I’d love mods.
Especially one which stops creeper blasts (or TNT) from damaging the environment. It’s really easy to have a creeper creep up on you and explode someone’s house.
Hmmm… Star. How often do backups happen now? Also, not sure. I’ve always played vanilla
So. Something bad happened. Starburst, we need to talk. Like, one-on-one, as soon as possible, by any chance.
I have a feeling it shouldn’t be raining spiders.