Minecraft 1.7.banana


why is notch’s fan-base so whiny all of a sudden

If you’re referring to me, the game has stopped working on my computer (and a bunch of other’s). Though I can watch it on youtube to get myself through these rough times.

read the comments on his blog
its not you

oh yeah, I’ve read that blog. 2 weeks “off” (he’s actually been doing a lot of stuff) and they start whining. Valve takes years off and I don’t see anyone complaining.

the thing is multi-player is difficult to implement its almost like writing the game again

He wrote the creative multiplayer code in 1 day. In comparison, its taking a long time… but still no reason for the whining to be this bad.

The sites gone down

Yes, I’M SAD.

but what I have seen indicates that SMP didn’t take that long to write but people got sensitive to bugs so they are complaining and creative mulitplayer had tons of bugs when it was first implimented

http://www.minecraft.net/play.jsp?server=28b869a72eb3f8ad80efa30483b12dd1 my favorite minecraft server my sound card broke so I can’t compose anything right now and I have been playing minecraft way more.

(also from the sugesstions on spelling minecraft I learned this is a word “Wollstonecraft”)


OK I am in an urgent situation right now, I talked to my mom about buying minecraft, and she said she’d talk to my dad, the most paranoid person EVER, tonight. And If I don’t get a foolproof defense of minecraft by then, I will never get it.

please post your defense of minecraft as will not give a virus and will not reveal my identity as a human.

I’m sure that this thread not have been made if the game was some sort of malicious virus. Unless they just made it so that you would buy it, and then you computer would be infected, and now I’ve just made things worse haven’t I?

its none of that but my Dad doesn’t need any of this logic you speak of to know the internet is dangerous and other people can blah blah blah.

Basically he is afraid another player (or Notch :mrgreen: (which is stupid)) will somehow send a virus.
Also someone could steal my Gmail account by hacking Google, then stealing my minecraft(stupidest thing I have ever heard :o :o ;) ).

but I do need a strong defense because he thinks he knows how stuff works.

I bought it with my uncle’s paypal account.

It took me like 5 months to convince my mom and dad that the game is okay.

Though your parents are worried about your email and not having to use a credit card to buy it? weird…

I suggest showing the fact that 112666 have already bought it and there are no complaints about it.

wait… change that to 112668 (and counting) people have bought it and still no complaints.

I guess I can do a virus scan on the program and saves to see if there is any viruses in a bit…

I got a friend to gift it, they had a hard time with that too.


the person gifting it didn’t have enough money on their debit card so I didn’t get it yet.