I’ll try.
Someone buy me it for my b-day…
I can’t log in to my server for some reason.
That was a great server…
^that’s what I would have said if I could connect.
Somebody try it again.
still not connecting
I just watched that before you posted it!
Dayum, that was sick. That song was pretty amazing too.
Wow, he has $800K. I would buy a huge stuffed creeper with that.
did you read the whole post?
its PayPal’s money now
He gained all that money in ONE MONTH. And paypal says its suspicious. All he should have to do is show them a copyright and sales chart to Minecraft and he should be able to get back. But thanks to evil corporate meddling from paypal, that might not happen.
We need a clan for when SMP gets better…
here is a list of SMP servers:
So yeah he updated SMP… He added compasses, too… DANG IT GUYS TALK MOAR.
Compasses are pretty much useless.
Have you never gone on a sea adventure?
I usually don’t build near the spawn, so I really don’t need one. I use the clouds instead.