Know any MMO’s?

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haha just kidding…that game is boring

I don’t like MMO’s… so I don’t know any lol

Wow. I remember Runescape. I spent so much time and money on that game.

Yeah, I use to play it everyday…I got to level 66 and then I realize the whole game was pointless (and my grades were dropping) so I quit.

lol I was level sixty-something and a three-year veteran when I quit.

I think I still remember my username…umm…I think it was Jackdonkey4

Mine was ninjajman93. There were so many good times, it almost makes me want to play it again.

I forgot my username. I think I was around level 40 or so when I stopped. I just mined a shit load of ore and sold it… made a decent amount of gold from it

The most gold I ever had at once was 400K+. My bro and I worked for a week mining coal.

LOL I still sometimes go onto my acc… (hlisten)
Joshua121296 (My friend stole his acc back from his friend that took it from him then my friend gave it to me)

most of the time I use the acc for Funorb…some reason I still find some of those games fun…

Remember, we know about Runescape.
But he asked if we knew any MMO’s, we’re not talking about each other. Sorry…just don’t want this to be locked. I kinda like some MMO’s.
Make that a big fat “kinda.”

and I just Googled “MMO” and I found this:

I have no clue what any of those are, but some of you might…

i do, i know the majority of them

maple story


I’m currently playing WoW and Perfect World. Used to have accounts on Runescape, Tales of Pirates, and some obscure game that sucked.

WoW’s pretty chill, especially due to the Draenei and the endless amounts of equipment to throw on. Perfect World is entertaining regardless fo the fact that it’s mostly a shameless grindfest. Runescape is way behind me and Tales of Pirates was amusing for awhile. It was another grindfest, though it usually took about a few days to grow a level after thirty as opposed to one day if you work at it on PW. Being the casual gamer I am, that’s pretty lame.

The obscure game sucked.