More Textfields & Group Select

Coming back to Notessimo for the day, I feel like there are certain aspects of the interface that can (and should be) improved to make our lives easier.

Basically, here’s what I have in mind:
+ Textfields for volume and panning.
+ Group select (click-and-drag to create selection grabbing multiple notes).
+ Extensive options for group select including:
+ Cut (copy selected notes to clipboard, then erase selected notes).
+ Copy (copy selected notes to clipboard, leaving selected notes alone).
+ Delete/erase (delete/erase selected notes).
+ Duplicate (similar to duplicate sheet function, except it would work with only the selected notes… might be difficult to implement compared to the rest imo).
+ Settings (brings up note settings for the first note in the selection, edits change note settings for all selected notes).
+ Repeat (repeats the selected notes after a user-provided duration from the rightmost selected note).

What do you guys think about this? d:

EDIT [2013/04/14] ::

DOG’s Keyboard Shortcuts:

> Ctrl + C/X/V/Z/Y = Copy/Cut/Paste/Undo/Redo
> Ctrl + A = Select All
> Ctrl + Shift + A = Invert Select
> Shift + P = Pencil / Edit (Single note placement, asks you for note properties after placing.)
> Shift + B = Brush (Normal note placement.)
> Shift + E = Select Tool
> Ctrl + B = Repeat

+ Nuse’s eyedropper idea to copy the settings of a certain note.

+ Change all the instruments within a selection to a certain instrument.
+ Transpose functionality.
+ Movable endpoints within sheets.
+ Playing a vertical line of notes without playing the actual sheet.
+ Meshing two sheets via one measure (end of first sheet/beginning of next sheet).

+ Format painter: paint notes with custom settings instead of clicking on them and changing settings.
+ Specify number keys to different settings.
+ Buttons to decrease/increase volume, panning, duration on the fly.
+ Arrow keys to change layer/sheet.
+ Prompt asking whether you want to leave the page with unsaved changes when you click a link.

A Keyboard Layout to Consider:

CTRL + A = Select All
CTRL + B = Repeat
CTRL + C = Copy
CTRL + D = Drag (Note/Selection)
CTRL + E = Eyedropper (copies note settings to selected settings)
CTRL + T = Transpose
CTRL + V = Paste
CTRL + X = Cut
CTRL + Y = Redo
CTRL + Z = Undo

SPACEBAR = Play/Stop

CTRL + O = Open
CTRL + P = Save

CTRL + PLUS = Zoom In
CTRL + MINUS = Zoom Out

CTRL + SHIFT + A = Inverse Selection
CTRL + SHIFT + V = Paste with New Settings
CTRL + SHIFT + Z = Undo (Alternate)

(SHIFT +) NUM1 = (Edit) Custom Settings 1
(SHIFT +) NUM2 = (Edit) Custom Settings 2
(SHIFT +) NUM3 = (Edit) Custom Settings 3
(SHIFT +) NUM4 = (Edit) Custom Settings 4

COMMA = Set Intervals for Decrease/Increase

PERIOD = Decrease Volume
SLASH = Increase Volume
SEMICOLON = Decrease Duration
APOSTROPHE = Increase Duration
LEFT BRACKET = Decrease Panning
RIGHT BRACKET = Increase Panning

U ARROW KEY = Next Layer
D ARROW KEY = Previous Layer
L ARROW KEY = Previous Sheet (in song)
R ARROW KEY = Next Sheet (in song)

SHIFT + E = Edit Tool
SHIFT + S = Select Tool


i like it!

Me too!

Those are things I’d most want!

me too :slight_smile:

This was exactly what my idea was and how it’s supposed to look. It looks awesome.

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It would also be nice to have more keyboard shortcuts:

Ctrl + C/X/V/Z/Y = Copy/Cut/Paste/Undo/Redo

Ctrl + A = Select All

Ctrl + Shift + A = Invert Select

Shift + P = Pencil / Edit (Single note placement, asks you for note properties after placing.)

Shift + B = Brush (Normal note placement.)

Shift + E = Select Tool

Ctrl + B = Repeat


Also maybe an eyedropper to copy the settings a note.

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there has been a lot of effort into this… It’s not a bad Idea.

I really like these ideas! I sometimes want to adjust the volume of a whole group of notes that I placed, and it takes quite some time to do this now.