Movie/TV Show Themes

Well, actually, if you think about it, it does.
In real music, clarinets are in the key of B flat. This is the note where it would be if it played a C. Therefore, a C in the B Flat Key is B flat on Notessimo’s Key.
(Alto Saxes are usually E flat, so a C on it would be an E flat on Notessimo)
This is for conversion from actual sheet music to notessimo.
Now, about the octave: Notessimo’s recorded instruments aren’t perfect at all. The Alto sax fades, the bass clarinet and metal guitar go away after a few beats, and the Wateki raises a sharp when its played.
If you played a middle C (concert pitch) on a clarinet, and then played a middle C (concert pitch) on Notessimo’s clarinet, notessimo’s would be an octave higher.
This shouldn’t be confusing at all. If so, I’ll try to explain it better.

Also, fix your songs. They aren’t very good with one instrument: get the others. Add the main voice, the bass part, and the rhythm. It doesn’t sound much like a song.

I get the octave thing, I don’t get how the keys are different for each instrument. Yes, I could subtract a half step when I needed to, but why is it called a C if it’s a B-flat?

Wikipedia knows all

I’m entirely UNSURE why they had this, but let’s say I play a C on a clarinet. A Clarinet is in the KEY OF B FLAT. This is the key in which the instrument plays in. Flutes play in the Key of C, therefore they are Concert pitch. Concert pitch is the Key of C, where C Major is the scale of Naturals (I believe). If you convert Flute music to Notessimo, all notes stay alike. This is because your comparing the Key of C (Concert Pitch) to the Key of C (Concert Pitch). Using clarinet’s music, the Key of B Flat is compared to the Key of C (Concert Pitch). Comparing and converting these keys: Clarinet to Notessimo is C to B Flat while Notessimo to Clarinet music is B Flat to C.

I get that The clarinet is tuned to B flat, but look at it from a scientific point of view. A C has a frequency (in its sound waves) of 261.63. A B flat has 233.08. So if you play a C on a clarinet and the sound frequency is actually 233.08, it is in reality a B flat.

So, the only answer we have is that musicians are crazy?

Did you read the article I linked you to? The science of it has nothing to do with it. It’s just for convenience.

No, I’m lazy.

I think the reason it’s set like that is because it just feels like it. If I play a C on a clarinet, the fingering feels like a C, and same goes with most of the notes. It’d feel weird to sharp and sharp, if you know where I’m coming from. Same goes with the Saxophone, as it’s fingering is VERY close to a clarinet. I’m truly unsure why though.

By the way, Nuselline, Wikipedia does NOT know all.
It’s information is too scattered is the main problem. He’d have to look for certain parts of jumbles of stuff.

I don’t think so, eight paragraphs wouldn’t take that long to read.

I didn’t mean the instruments sounded the same, what I meant was that, for an example, a real baritone saxophone is in the key of Eb, while the Tenor is in Bb, but if you put them on the same line in Notessimo, they would produce the same tone. So pretty much, all instruments read concert pitch in notessimo, except for a couple instruments, the techno bass actually plays a perfect fifth higher than what is written (I think), and the triangle wave is pretty bad too. I don’t know why, but it just isn’t really easy to explain it. Also, a clarinet uses the boehm key system and the saxophone uses the oehler (I think, can’t remember) key system. I guess that doesn’t explain why they are alike in fingerings, but you can google it or something.

Yes, I understand that instruments are tuned to certain keys… but why?

Probably because of the size of an instrument, also its timbre.

Didn’t expect to ever be bumping this thread.

I did the Jeopardy theme. Because I was bored. The harmony is sort of made up because I couldn’t really figure it out by ear, so it’s probably wrong.

Thank you; my distilled version of Tetris is now complete.

I am not sure what Tetris has to do with Jeopardy, but I’m glad you enjoyed it.

Here is the bass line for the Original Batman Theme, and a little drums I added in. Enjoy!!
