My return.

Hey guys! …Um, awkward right? Turns out I’m not as crazy as previously indicated…Also, still alive and kicking and etc… So what’s all this about spam bots now? Uhhhhhhh, oh yeah, kinda interesting side note: apparently I’m engaged/getting married in a few months. Weird right? I certainly don’t know what the fuck is going on. So how’ve you little bitches been getting on without your venerable senior looking down his nose upon youse?

P.S. … P.S.

Yeah, that’s the ticket. . .

Holy fuck he’s alive. I assumed you had died of alcohol poisoning.


Absolutely wonderful to see you getting engaged Hypo!

The only downside is that my sister noticed the title and now believes I’m tiny and looking for help.


Oh yeah I forgot:

True dat! I tried. I’m pretty sure I’m some sort of superman; I have a cast-iron liver…not so sure about the squishy bits upstairs though…I’m almost certain I forgot math and science and…stuff (don’t drink 70+ proof things, kids… and by ‘kids’ I mean ‘people of or below the legal alcohol consumption age for your particular state/province/area/etc…’

Weird. She’s WAY too involved with your life, seriously. Gross. Tell her to get a boyfriend…or an affectionate dog…

WHERE’S DC? I can’t possibly show this kind of soft/mushy/disgusting side without my TOTALLY NON-HOMOSEXUAL e-lover’s blessing! Wonder-twin powers activate! . . . . . . . .
Activate. (depression)

Also, thanks for the kind words everyone (who gives two shits)… serious married life is well, not soul-crushing, but damn-near close. Or maybe I’m doing it wrong. Either way piss off! I’m kinda back and kinda ready to do stuff. Huzzah!

Are you sure it’s all natural? Also do you deliver to Ireland?


  1. Glad you aren’t dead.
  2. 3 more years… Damn

DC is still active.

Oh um … don’t mind me. Just … well … you know … my dog.

I’m not sure it’s worth it if I’m only going to be increasing the length by a couple percent to be honest.


EDIT: WAIT WAIT I thought of another one - “4 weeks? Hypo makes my penis grow 4 inches in seconds!”

. . . Too weird? I swear, penis related humour is like walking a tightrope sometimes.

It works exceptionally fast!!

I have to agree, sexual jokes can get awkward fast.

Yours was fine though (I don’t know how far everyone is going to take that statement though…), and generally the only real awkward side to those types of jokes comes from people who are too immature to see a joke. The kind that can’t sit through one of those sex classes schools teach with out bursting into laughter at every little innuendo.

Lol that’s my whole class.

That was my whole class. But at 17 and up you really start to see the idiocy of the humor.

Penis humououuuouour is always relevant and always funny.

Also, mocking foreigners who use different/more correct spelling and grammar.

Mocking English people is my favorite pastime.

Hi Hypo!

Doesn’t “decimate” mean destroy a tenth? Who would have a 40 inch penis anyway? DC.