New Update Bugs

Oh ok, thanks for clearing that up.

And you’re right… the laughing one is actually laughing… not nodding or whatever the hell it was doing (having a seizure?) lol

the whole template was gone for a sec

l but now it is back

[phpBB Debug] PHP Notice: in file /home/teamatem/public_html/atemis-world/includes/functions.php on line 3553: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /language/en/common.php:1)
[phpBB Debug] PHP Notice: in file /home/teamatem/public_html/atemis-world/includes/functions.php on line 3555: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /language/en/common.php:1)
[phpBB Debug] PHP Notice: in file /home/teamatem/public_html/atemis-world/includes/functions.php on line 3556: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /language/en/common.php:1)
[phpBB Debug] PHP Notice: in file /home/teamatem/public_html/atemis-world/includes/functions.php on line 3557: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /language/en/common.php:1)

VIRUS!!!oh no!!!ThE JaPaNeSe HaVe HaCkEd NoTtEsSiMo!!!

lol the error will probably be fixed by the time this is posted

I just saw that too!

LOL gone now…

my guess is an error in whatever script Starburst uses on the specified lines…
…at least that is like what usually shows up when I make a typo on a script

I’m pretty sure Starburst was changing something around on the site… and something didn’t work.

At school on the mac computer a error window pops up on every page when it is loaded

JSONParseError: Unexpected d encountered
at com.adobe.serialization.json::JSONTokenizer/parseError()
at com.adobe.serialization.json::JSONTokenizer/getNextToken()
at com.adobe.serialization.json::JSONDecoder/::nextToken()
at com.adobe.serialization.json::JSONDecoder$iinit()
at com.adobe.serialization.json::JSON$/decode()
at MethodInfo-381()

Thats cause its a mac. Ive gotten one of those scripting errors before but it didnt reappear.

but it pops up on every page…and it gets very old…

PS whatever nhappened to the News section?
Nobody has said any updates…
…and of course I cant wait for the update to be complete!

I believe Starburst is the only one who can create threads in that category. I went there, and there’s no create topic option.

No, us mods can, too. But that’s where Starburst is going to post whatever “news” he has about the website.