New updates may never be possible.

He visited less than an hour after you made that post.

It’s most likely a time zone thing, but it says he made that post at 11:48am.

I have no buisness being here, but i think i can try to use common sense to help clear things up

if he lost the code, he wouldnt even be able to pay to keep thhe site up as far as my knowledge goes
if he couldnt pay to keep the site up, here would be no site.
if there was no motivation, then the bug fixes and updates will never happen,

but clearly he didnt lose the code, and he did pay the bill, because now ( i think ) i am posting this on notessimo 3

Congrats. You, a brand new user, have solved mysteries (incorrectly) that we’ve been figuring out for years.

The beginnings…

I feel so dumb not knowing what i was saying when i posted that

Also doctor, how am i brand new?