Notessimo Doesn't work on iTouch

Ok, like what? And as a little attempt to keep part of this conversation on topic… I’m using my Touch right now

DJ is beating you in posts per day on Notessimo, KD

lol so i am, i’m on all the time, nothing but notessimo 2

Ah damn… lol

DJ is beating everyone. He has the highest posts per day.

No the best thing to proud of. No offense.

Just makes me feel like i’m spammin’.

it doen;t work on the Palm or the Centro or the glide eather
my friend tells me that it also doesn’t work on the Black Berry

I think once Starburst finishes the final version of Notessimo 2, he should make it into an iPhone/iPod Touch App and sell it on the App Store. I’d buy it fer sure.

If there was an app for that, Id buy the itouch

SAME here
the curse

Notessimo is definitely coming to iPhone / iTouch ! (not before I finish the Flash version however ! )

The new website’s design is iTouch friendly, best viewed in landscape mode

COOL! …now only if I could get one …LOL

Yeah, it makes me one one even more, too! I’m hoping I get one for my birthday.

YES!! I’ll be the first to buy it for sure!