QVX 797's Song Thread <<NEW: Home Stretch>>

Well the drums were good in the beginning but … I dunno, some parts were a bit dodgy (eg. like bar 19)

yeah it was really hard to fix that…it needed to be moved forward an 8th but it also needed to be where it was…very awkward piece…


What does the title mean?

because i cant think of how to finish the song, it:

  1. shows its only the intro
  2. maybe it could be a collab?

ze partay loop!!


lol im not really active on notessimo anymore…
but…for the meantime heres something muselline has been wanting to see/hear…


That was a really great song, the fade-outs were amazing and so were the drums. The fender strats and the voxes (like the ones in bar 11) weren’t my favourite part though.

lol, didn’t expect feedback that said amazing XD

i meant to take the strat guitars out…

Also, i’ve been getting little bits of inspiration, but every time i open it up, i tend to get the intro working…then forget the rest…its soooo annoying!!

Inspiration is coming to me =D
2 new songs on the way :twisted:

Haunted (read description on first post)

MuselX productions presents…Final Discovery!! XP

New Song: Falling!!

Feedback anyone?

Or if you prefer a slower song…
Deep Thought (yes its pretty much the same as Falling…except the slower tempo makes the song very different :mrgreen:)


Wow … a sextuple post, you should be given an award! Anyway, I preferred Deep Thought, over Falling, I enjoyed it, well done.

And most of the posts were weeks apart o.O

I know!! D=<
I never really get any comments etc here…

Btw…i made falling first…and i accidently forgot to change the temp a few times…and found out that it sounded better…

Yeah, often the best song ideas started out as accidents.

serious I feel like you’ve hardly improved

Your right
I need feedback…and inspiration…
Also…i’m hopeless at riffs/guitar parts etc. so it really weighs me down…(im good at techno though…its just easy XD)