Random Songs

Should I post everything Else I’ve done?

I’ve only been composing and I haven’t posted anything yet.

If you want to you can…In my opinion, I think people shouldpost their songs more often instead of just composing them just to make an awesome song and to not have anyone listen to it…


Took me a couple minutes I want opinions before i continue it

Yes. I think you should continue that one. it has a great beat and it just has the feeling of rising action and power that makes me want to hear what you will do for the rest of the song.

Sounds good, sandal. Can’t wait for the rest!


I have a new song that I want criticism for. I think it needs improvement, but I don’t now where or what.
So here it is:

Conflict, by WhiteFang

To me, it was good. However, there are a few things that could have been better.
1st-When the metal guitar entered, I think you should’ve kept the drums going, instead of having them abruptly end.
2nd-When the piano and synth were playing, and the guitar decided to poke its little head in, I feel you should have had the guitar play another note after its “little fill (maybe?)” It sounds like it stops out of nowhere.
3rd-The end seemed too short. Maybe because it happened so quickly, but I think a whole measure of the “thing” (I don’t know if it has a special name) would’ve been better, followed by a long sustain.
Other than those reasons, I think it was pretty good

Okay, thanks! Took only a second, added some new sheets in place of old, and it worked out. This has:
Drums continuing
Improved ending
And a little fill thingy

Question—Couldn’t you edit someone’s song to show what you meant? At least instead of giving a long paragraph of advice…

Answer… yeah, you can… if you want. Depends on what you feel like doing, most often, I choose to edit their songs

LOL, ok cool… I didn’t know if it was against the rules or something to edit someone else’s songs…LOL

And now you know. Just be sure not to give yourself credit in their song unless you add in quite a bit. And nice avatar, by the way.

The funny part is that I came across it when I was looking for pics of WWII LOL (hlisten)

that sounds better Fang. Yet another great song completed

imma make an original cuz I havent in a while!

And speaking of great songs,
Not to brag, but I cranked out two more.

#1: Accidental.
This one was a thought of: I need sharps and flats.
Basically the song.
Came out okay.

Rising Action:
THIS is the best song I’ve made. It has a feeling of conflict and power growing through the whole thing, all the way till the very end. I think you’ll like this one.


thats pretty good, put it in the RPG soundtrack?

Which one? Rising action or accident-al?

RA, havent listend to A

Okay! I wonder if they’ll like it there. Never really posted that thread.

that was really good Fang. I think you should put it in the RPG thread. I’m sure we’ll like it there (I don’t see why we wouldn’t)