kinda melodic
its not really Random its just hard to figure out where to put it so here it is
Unknown Entity
Here is a Goth sound for all of you
The Carlton Crew of the nights Presents: The Second Comeing of Death
Not up to my usual standards: ?id=5056, posting here to preserve my good name in the techno thread… my next project will be going in techno and it’ll be better, promise! Just gotta get back in the unce, unce, unce, unce mindset.
***Scratch that, I have something else in mind… techno can wait.
This is only here because theres no other place to put it.
One Last Breath
its not really random it just doesnt fit any thread yet
it a well known song by Alicia Keys called
No One
it has no Vocals yet but i will creat a version with vocals in it
Nice song Crew
Ohh and can anyone help me with making better songs??
i would really appreciate it
It’s a good ol’ fashion RPG-styled boss battle theme, somewhere in an arctic cavern-type place.
measures 6-10 kinda sounds like 600 A.D. from Chrono um… whatever