Random Songs

This song all my friends think sound like Pokemon. A song you would hear in a ghost place during a more important battle.

Ooh, it does sound like it belongs at a ghost place!

Abandoned Battlefieldā€¦ WHAT??? I DONT WANNA EMBED!!! JUST CLICK HERE!!! 8-) :D

I think that was a little too repetitive.

ā€œBile 'dem Cabbage Downā€ a traditional fiddle tune with variations layered over eachother as the song continuesā€¦

I made this yesterday evening. I know, that it isnā€™t so goodā€¦

What in the world are you talking about?!? That was really good! Better that I could ever do anywaysā€¦
It may be that I havenā€™t heard that song though if you really think thatā€¦

I think you should add the other instruments, Frozen. It sounds good, though.

Ty! Maybe I add other instruments like violin or other stringsā€¦ but later, because Iā€™m making other songs now.

MY newest song; The stag!
note: only the main round part is on my music sheetā€¦ every thing else, I just experimented with and eventually, left it there!

Sounds nice, but some notes sound out of key.

Scars on Broadway - They Say

This is instrumental version. Hope you like it.

Which notes I cant tellā€¦

I tried to make up a song from just pianosā€¦ well then I got thisā€¦


Shadow of the Bull
Charlotteā€™s Web
Where the Red Fern Grows
Acres of Bluegrass
Outsidersā€™ Blues
Old Man and the Sea
Synthisize Me!

For Heā€™s a Jollygood Fellow!

Very addictive song, spacepixel.

I think it sounds really good.

spacepixel, that was awesome!!! Your song made me laugh

Cool thanks alot!

My first attempt in trying to make a canon/roundā€¦(not very good ; there is only one instrument)

Suggestions welcome!