Random Songs

I already sent him a pm so he knows

Oh, alright.


An Irish melody

Itā€™s my first song BUT I canā€™t fix that gap in between the song. I know it sucks anyway.

Its catchy and random!

I made this in 20 minutes. In the beginnig it sounds pretty much Scars on Broadwayā€™s Chemicals and solo (which sucks very much, but Iā€™m too lazy to fix it anymore) sounds pretty much Metallicaā€™s One.
But, I hope u like it.

Dude, totally a boss battle for the RPG soundtrack!

Man, so I havenā€™t posted in a while ; so i thought i would make another song since itā€™s a snow day! (WOOT)

hereā€™s a song i made with a scale (in chords) as a base; the original was alot better
(for those who want to know what happend to the original) i left it playing, and when I came back, the song was gone and it was as if i just clicked the (compose) tab

this is just what i remember

I was thinking about working with it some more to make it longer and more in depthā€¦what do you think?

hereā€™s a more revised version with different instruments and the canon extended
Iā€™m just going to call my song ā€œSpacepixelā€™s Canon in Cā€
because it reminds me a little of ā€œPachelbelā€™s Canon in Dā€(-Iā€™m sure i just murdered the spelling of his name anyways)

:o :o :o :o :o :o :o -these are awesome lol

Here is version of Chop Suey! (Intro) by System of a Down.
Im not sure about right notes, but Iā€™m very sure, that those are right.
This is little bit different version, because real intro was very, very hard.

A Beat (If you want to call it that)

Itā€™s short, I know.

not random, some mod move it, i dont know how!

Better well stolen than poorly invented. :confused:

Umā€¦ move it where? The Unfinished one?
Sounds random to meā€¦

Apparently you misunderstand what kind of random weā€™re going for in this thread. This is the place to post any songs you want, especially if they donā€™t fit well into another thread. Songs which were made by randomly placing notes should be put under pictosongs/ear torture (although they can still technically be put here).

It is Song of Storms from Legend of Zelda, that is what he means

i donā€™t understand

Hey rhontos, I took that song that guy did which was a remake of your song (hehe) and added a little beat towards the middle-end part. It wasnā€™t much, but I think it helped.

EDIT: Gap heheheā€¦