Rate the Signature!


Yours radiates of excellence.


10/10 Very handy. Now whenever I want to visit a thread I can go to this one and find your post.

N/A 0/10

0/10 You forgot the walrus threads.


fine. i added them.0/10

Good job. 10/10.

Very nice wall-rus.


10/10. I imagined fish swimming in the ocean (waiting to be eaten by me, of course) in the empty spaces of your signature.

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9/10 because the walruses (walri?) are doing the same thing i am right now: nothing.

1/10 COMIC SAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANS!!! shakes fist in air

7/10 because that is the most badass knight ever, but the poetic quote on top kinda ruins it for me

8/10 I always used comic sans in middle school.

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9/10 epic then lol.

No comment.


8/10. it is the truth.

10/10 Perfect.

i cannot rate for you do not have. you have been disqualified. You are the weakest link, goodbye. Nuse, the tribe has spoken. Please pack up your knives and go. Your work of art didn’t work for us. Your time’s up. I have to ask you to leave the mansion. You must leave the chateau. Your tour ends here. You’ve been chopped. You’ve been evicted from the Big Brother house. Your dessert just didn’t measure up. Sashay away. Give me your jacket and leave Hell’s Kitchen. I’m sorry, you did not get a rose. You have been eliminated from the race. You are no longer in the running to be America’s Next Top Model. You’re fired. Auf Wiedersehen.

0/10. Waaaaaaaaaay to big for a signature.