If you click “More Reply Options”, you can upload the song files via the “Attach Files” feature.

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Thanks. Incoming many terrible 10 second “songs”.

Here are a bunch of things I open and then almost immediately close because I cannot figure out what to do. In the stupid order they were in with the dumb names I gave them. Let me know if you are interested. thnx bae x
Song 7.note (17.3 KB)
Song 6.note (52.3 KB)
Song 5.note (46.5 KB)
Song 4.note (26.6 KB)
Song 2.note (27.4 KB)
nice.note (78.7 KB)
hotline.note (22.1 KB)
doodoodoo.note (53.9 KB)
March.note (132 KB)
ohasdf.note (21.9 KB)
piano delay.note (98.2 KB)
witch.note (30.3 KB)
rawr.note (3.38 KB)
Rawr.note (the last one) is a v2 and the sharps or flats are fucked. I’ll fix this if it interests anyone. Heres a link to when I uploaded it unfinished for some reason ages ago.

​EDIT: By let me know I mean PM me. Preferably about whichever one or one(s) you want a crack at.


It sometimes happen for me…quoting incorrect post firstly (ninja)

What even, man?

My song is too heavy for every one :razz: :razz: :razz: :razz:


Did you heared that?

this is even heavier:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PeA2HvytUx8

Where is your answer?

can you stop trying to be edgy and dark and brooding because it’s not working at all.

I just listen something other than you like :roll:


contributing to the topic:



i’LL glady collab on something something with u

Ok send me.your update on what song you wanted.to work on

Edit: you see that, zaz? “Send me your update” not “upload with my consent”

i know this isn’t actually mine but

I’ve tried to continue this for a long time now but I could never figure out where to take it. Requesting a collaboration on this piece if anyone feels they could work with this.

someone collab with me on a rip

I would but you don’t want to so rip no ones gonna collab with you

rip = siivagunner reference
rip =/= rest in peace in this context

the salt is strong with this one