Riddle Me This! The Riddle Page!

Some unknown force … ?

What is the answer to life?

42 (AKA Jesus)

Actually, 42 is the ultimate answer to ultimate question of life the universe and everything.

Could someone delete this post please?

Dude… please, just stop, you’re making us theists look bad. I guarantee that there is probably some atheist or jew lurking this board right now that wants these posts taken down. Your religion isn’t the only one that exists! I know that’s pretty hard for you to believe since you grew up in a Christian environment but face it, it’s time to respect other people’s beliefs.

Roasty’s right.

Not to be racist myself, but my really good friend is a Jew. He’s not here on Notessimo, but still.

I said they didn’t have to watch it!

Don’t for get about your “(AKA Jesus)” earlier.


What flavor pie did I bake you? (This is based off part of a video.)

whatever flavor pumpkin is in Baman Piderman

You’re driving a bus that is leaving on a trip from Pennsylvania and ending in New York. To start off with, there were 32 passengers on the bus. At the next bus stop, 11 people get off and 9 people get on. At the next bus stop, 2 people get off and 2 people get on. At the next bus stop, 12 people get on and 16 people get off. At the next bus stop, 5 people get on and 3 people get off. What color are the bus driver’s eyes?

This would be a lot harder if you couldn’t read it twice.

What is so fragile that when you say its name you break it?

Forward I am heavy, backwards I am not. What am I?

What object has keys that open no locks, space but no room, and you can enter but not go in?

The rungs of a 10 foot ladder attached to a ship are 1 foot apart. If the water is rising at the rate of one foot an hour, how long will it take until the water covers over the ladder?

A butcher has a 36 inch waist around, and he is 5 feet tall. What does he weigh?

And the worst riddle Ive ever read: Would you rather have a tiger eat you or a lion?

It won’t


What 11-letter English word does everyone pronounce incorrectly?

A woman is about to be executed. Since she has been a good citizen most of her life, the executioner gives her the option of chosing by which way she can die, no matter how bizarre, time-consuming, or costly it is. What manner of death should she choose, or will it not make a difference?

A champion weight lifter has a brother that’s a doctor, but the same doctor doesn’t have a brother. How are they related then?

I am taken from a mine, and shut up in a wooden case, from which I am never released, and yet I am used by almost everybody.

What comes once in a minute, twice in a moment, but never in a thousand years?

The more you take, the more you leave behind. What are they?

I have a little house in which I live all alone. It has no doors or windows, and if I want to go out I must break through the wall.

There are four brothers in this world that were all born together. The first runs and never wearies. The second eats and is never full. The third drinks and is always thirsty. The fourth sings a song that is never good.

What is put on a table, cut, but never eaten?

Order to be shot and arrange the shooters in a circle
An m
Water, Fire, Earth, Air
A table cloth

a table cloth is supposed to be paper but I guess that works (though I don’t think its cut)
And the execution is dying from old age (that would be awesome)

It is the color of my eyes, hazel!

Well a table cloth must be cut to size, and the circle execution is supposed to be based upon the idea that the soldiers will not want to miss and accidentally shoot each other.

hmm… I’ve never seen anyone do that with a table cloth. probably because we get ours pre-made (from the store )


Nuclear atoms?

Disregard this post.