Roasty's (and the mods') OUTDATED list of notessimo rankings

Ugh, I hate it when a new notessimaestro posts some pretty good songs, but that seriously does not make them better than a whole bunch of skilled people.

I mean come on, the new people coming into this lagfuck making decent songs does not make them better than those who have awesome songs.

Except for sorin, favorite

What the fuck is Muselline doing in the upper-mid tier? I’m pretty sure he should be ranked a little better than that.

Well thanks but a lot of people imo are wrongly ranked, for instance Slip, who seems to have jumped ahead a little too far.

Supoosedly he made one good song… it sounds like its “the Tempest”-esque.’’

Good to see this forum functioning again. Finally cleaned the bot topics.


Thanks Sand, they were getting really … more annoying.

I just edited the front page to show mods and admins. I don’t really know why…

Shouldn’t there be a more official version of this, like we each give a score on everybody and stuff?

Are you going to put Thamoron in the mod edit tier space?

iiiiiitttsss THURSDAY!!!

Massive update.


Okay guys, maybe I’ll still have time to play some Notessimo still.

So, everyone having a good tim-
OH OH OH! Pretty Colo–

I got up!

I stayed the same (like always)

Secondary update

Hell ya!

I moved up a little bit cough (like always)

I haven’t been on in at least two weeks, and I only moved down two spots.

Time + Ranked (AKA optionally praised) +[Optional to the tier placer] How new= Tier you are in