Roasty's (and the mods') OUTDATED list of notessimo rankings

Coolplay is overrated.
Kalabasa is underrated.

I made a song yet I didn’t move up. D:

I will never be god tier.

I really appreciate where I am though, according to this. You guys have been great. <3

How often does this get updated?

It should be updated every Thursday.

Why Thursday? Why not Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, or Saturday…or Sunday?

or everyday? XD (or monday for that matter…)

Because Thursday is awesomeness day.


You better.

Oops, my calendar … er … died. Anyone mind tell me what day it is today?

Massive makeover

God tier- 1 occupant
Sub god- 3 occupants
High- 10 occupants
Mid- 24
Low- 10
Lol- 10
roflmao- Everyone else
Johan manuel- Johan manuel

Probably will change when more people are added.

Moved an assload of people. Didn’t bother marking it.

Mods feel free to make changes yourself.

Yay I stayed the exact same.

so did I

I mean ffs roast

lol… looks like no movement

Holy crap! Did I really move up to 39?!

Delayed reaction from your song one and a half month ago.

did I really move down. Come on Ive made lots of good songs recently.