Thanks but you’re catching up. Next week I could be 6th and you could be 4th. Who knows what’ll happen?
Looks at DD12’s thread
I think I can guess who the “corrupt moderator staff” is.
Guys, remember,
if you join as a new notessiman,
make a fucking delicious song [just one],
Well it’s too late for that now.
Or is it?
sees look on Kd’s face
Yes yes of course it is.
How come I’m in front of 2 mods?
Think about it,
does it really matter if they are mods? It only matters about their song.
unless they are a sexy beast mod
You’re only in front of them because they haven’t been on here in… ever?
hit me up with Aurarocirrus’ songs.
because i can’t remember them D:
But they’ve made better songs then me.
As Octovaitor pointed out, it’s all in Roast’s opinion.
Well, in YOUR opinion, talking to Kd, where would I be?
Why is it so important to you?
If you don’t think Roast is an ass, Who will?
Unknowned, his creator.
Probably near the low,
I seriously haven’t heard any of your songs that were at least somewhat memorable.
I am working on getting a thread, hold on, it isn’t easy you know. I only need 1 more that I’m only at the beginning with.
Well no one’s going to be able to move around the tiers thanks to the share bug.