Rock Thread (Covers)

God… this is going to kill me to bump it a month forward like I’m going to (I hate bumping… don’t mind when other people do it. I just don’t like doing it myself)

But I did work pretty hard on this song and there’s nowhere else to put it. : (

Even if you don’t know Muse, you probably know this song from World Tour (which, I’ll be honest, I referenced the drums from, which are still probably wrong). You know, the one that’s really boring on guitar but freaking deadly on drums.

Also, Yay! I have 5 songs now and am eligible to start a thread (apparently). Am I going to? Probably not (says in the rules you have to ask a moderator first. Shyness much, I know).

Wow, I’ve only now just realised how much I love my brackets. Or parenthesis, whatever you guys call them.

Great song Darkchameleon

Wow, that was amazing! Much like your other songs.

Welcome… to the Hall of the BURGER KING!

Mega rockish remix. I had to say screw the key change though.

Well, this is what I was doing while the share was broke’d. DC helped some (but let’s not give him any credit).

Well done hypo, out of all the muse covers out there its about time someone actually covers one of there good songs

I remember when you made your piano version of their song. Anyway, nice

You are an idiot for

  1. Insinuating the fact that I didn’t cover any of their good songs. Stockholm Syndrome is one of the best Muse songs ever, you stupid twat. It doesn’t matter how well I did it (I did a pretty shoddy job of it) but you are pretty much slapping every Muse fan ever in the face with your opinion that it isn’t even “good”.

  2. Thinking that Starlight is classified as “one of their good songs” when in reality, anyone who listens to and has ever enjoyed Muse for any other song than Starlight will realise that out of all the songs they have heard, Starlight is the fucking worst song they’ve ever made (okay, that’s a little bit of an exaggeration).

I realise that everyone has their opinions, but hell, some might even say it’s a fact that Starlight is crap. Let’s say, compared to Stockholm Syndrome, which has lots of heavy riffs, harmonising vocals, a complex solo, complex guitar patterns, melodic interest, and lots of other things, Starlight is bland. Sure it has a few riffs, but barely complex, and pretty much made to go with the song, as opposed to defining the song. There’s nothing exciting about the song (no solos, no variations on the main melody, no complex guitar/bass/keyboard patterns (the arpeggios are made with an arpeggiator. No talent involed.) and the main theme is predictable, repetitive and boring). The only reason people like this song is because they’re used to listening to all this other manufactured shit that’s been going around these days.

That said, this is Muse’s only serious song that is a setback in the reputation we real Muse fans see them as having, we who can tell which of their songs are actually good or not.

Okay I’m done ranting, but I’m still pretty angry. LET THIS BE A WARNING TO YOU ALL. Oh by the way, if any of you were wondering how I helped (which you probably weren’t, but probably are now) I just made those arpeggios you see in the chorus. Hypo did the rest.

By the way I don’t usually shout at people like this. And yes, I do realise that I sound a bit like a troll up there.

Whoa slow down that comment was never exactly directed toward you, I’m just saying, out of all the muse covers, why can’t people just cover some of thier good songs instead of the crap they usually do. Dont get me wrong, I love muse, I own Absolution, Black holes and revelations, hell I even own HAARP Starlight and Stockholm syndrome are nowhere near the top of this great bands discography. Complexity doesn’t always mean a song is good. Starlight may be simple, but its surely better than all that other crap progressive bands throw at us. The only band in the world that puts there talent to the best use is dream theatre and you know it.

So yea, long story short, you made a magnificent cover of a crappy song.
Great job though.

You ever heard of the band tool? Yea im an ex-fan of them. I say ex fan because most of the time all the other obnoxious fellow tool fans just ruin it for me, considering twilights release, stupid pre teen girls and people like you who think heavy chords and fast tempos= good song just might be ruining this band for me.

Ah, yeah, ok, I think you’re misinterpreting my post just a little bit.

One, I never said that “heavy chords and fast tempos = good song”. Yes, I have heard of Tool. I actually got their latest album for christmas. While I do like those songs like Vicarious and Rosetta Stoned, probably the heaviest tracks on there, I prefer a lot of their slower, more ambient and meaningful songs, like Intension and Wings (1+2)… at a stretch, Schism (probably my favourite song, but it does have a lot of heaviness at times). Yes I know Schism isn’t on 10,000 days. I’ve heard it from other places.

The actual point I was trying to get across wasn’t that, “Complexity + Heaviness = Awesome” because that would be stupid. Classifying a song as being “good” for those things would be stupid, as liking those things is a matter of opinion. I was actually trying to get across the point that “Complexity = effort, effort = good”. That’s why I’m saying that if you say that Starlight is good, which doesn’t look like it had much effort put into it at all (I’d go in to that in detail but that would take too long), then Stockholm Syndrome is about 10 times better. Not because people like all the heaviness, complexity, harmonies, all that other stuff, but because each of those things signify that a lot more effort was put in to those songs. Uh, except maybe the heaviness. That doesn’t have anything to do with anything.

Oh, and I’m sorry I called you a “stupid twat”. I’ve calmed down a bit since then, and I was just a bit caught up in the moment.

I’ll agree with that. I was exaggerating a little last night, and I feel like that probably amplified my point so much it got to the point where you could pretty much say that I hated this song. Based on what you saw me say. I’m not saying I hate this song. I like it. It’s pretty nice to listen to, I’m just saying that it’s not as good as most of Muse’s other songs. But it’s definately two steps ahead of a lot of other crap you hear nowadays.

Uh… not really. I haven’t heard… well, any Dream Theatre ('cept that one on Guitar Hero) so I wouldn’t. But I know a lot of bands that pretty much pour all their talent in to each and every song. Although, that said, there’s only one band I’ve ever listened to that I can safely say I love all of their songs, and they all feel like they have as much effort put in to them as the last. Hey, if you’re into (people call them Progressive Metal… they’re not really, I’d say they’re more) Power Metal, give Sonata Arctica a listen (search them on youtube or something).

Again, I’m sorry for over-reacting last night. I was being a bit of a prick over nothing. No hard feelings, eh?

Loud noises!

Christ DC, you’re so amicable most of the time. Then, without warning, you EXPLODE like a… like a British road in WWII. But I think we can all agree that this is not the place for lengthy discussions on music theory and the state of modern music in general. You can start a “DC Flips Out With Little Provocation” thread or something (I know I’d frequent it) but we need to move along now; nothing to see here.

Also, lol @ “stupid twat.”

That picture is what makes this argument meaningful…

This sonota Arctica stuff is cool… they’re like a coheed and cambria clone, except with a drummer that doesnt suck! (hlisten)

Indeed it is and that kinda reminds me of my random explode in the early days of the video games thread


Phattest bass riff evar.

Quick and messy; took me a couple of hours over as many days. I probably messed up a lot of things. I think my drum transcribing skills are improving.

Did my computer glitch, or is there something really really wrong with sheet 5?

Yes, yes there is. I’ve only seen this glitch maybe twice before and have no idea as to the cause. It may have something to do with the copy measure function, probably some anomaly in the code when copying measures to a sheet with a different tempo, but I don’t know for sure. It plays normally if you pause after it comes to sheet 5, then resume.

i’ve had that issue too, with my (very incomplete) cover of YYZ. it doesn’t happen every time, but i’m sure i found a solution at one point…

The solo and drums are slightly messed up, and there’s no vocals, but…

Citizen Erased, by Muse. Feedback and Constructive Criticism welcome.

Sounds Great, Even though I?'ve never actually heard the song… anyways, I made a cover for Reptillia by The Strokes