Rock Thread (Original)

My recent songs tend to be.

But was it pretty okay?

Remember that one song you posted in the random songs threadā€¦ it was pretty experimental but it was epic, and by far your best. Make more like this please. Also why is the author of all your songs base high quarter period am I missing something?

There was another like it that I personally think was far better and actually focused, but the most current song and the trash before it are merely filler until I get back into being experimental.

Regardless, I still find Mix Up to be a personal favorite as well, residing somewhat over Unconscious Rift.

Oh my god that was amazing

Incredibly innovative. I had no idea sounds like that could even be made with Notessimo. That actually sounds really professional. Great use of open hi hat #2 down at the bottom. And those cymbals in sheet 3 sound kinda like machinery. Was that intentional? Worked pretty well in my opinion. I think if there was anything to be worked on, itā€™s the melodies created with the notes that have a distinguishable pitch. Try a little less random, maybe? Overall; great. +intarwebs to you, my good man.

Shame about the name though. And the categorisation; the piece itself gives me a more jungly feel somehow. Not the style jungle, I mean it makes me think of jungles. For some reason. What Iā€™m trying to say is; itā€™s not very rock, is it? But Iā€™ll forgive you just this once.

If youā€™re referring to the song linked in my last post, it was for Roastmasterā€™s reference.

Thank you for the critique regardless. Very good to know Iā€™m not the only one who likes the song.

Wow. That was a great, although scary (yes, even I, the great fishrocker, can be frightened) song. I loved the odd use of instruments. Anything below the C2 note is what Iā€™d call odd because I almost never go lower than that, and many others donā€™t also. Welcome to Hell (blahā€¦) was an amazing song. The emptiness is what made it good (just like Roastmastersā€™s songs).

Thank for all the kind words.

Upon revisiting the link, I realized that I had gotten all the parts for the song done, but forgot a little structural repetition, so I posted a slightly reworked version in the random songs thread.~

I lost the song I posted it here once but now its gone

EDIT: just made a new one here:

New Song!!!

To who ever said not to use Metal Guitar, itā€™s used for 1 note. Just 1.

Sorry dude butā€¦your usage of Fender Strat #1 is as bad as the metal guitarā€¦but its another hard instrument to use, and in my humble opinion the fender stratā€¦on pretty much all notesā€¦doesnt sound greatā€¦some exceptions yes but not very manyā€¦

Umm I believe I saw mostly quarter notes for the Fender Stratā€¦please dont do that without spreading them out to the 1/4 (quarter parts)ā€¦if u were to shorten all of themā€¦to 1/8th notes it would probably sound WAY betterā€¦but that might take a long time to change every sheet and may cause you to just give up on the song altogether

Ya in other songs with fender that you have werent very good on it eitherā€¦but there the metal guitar erritated me moreā€¦so please before you use these instruments learn what notes sound good or I would recomend the ear torture/pictosong (mainly the first part of it) thread

I know I sound like a jackass probably to youā€¦and i probably did earlierā€¦but the mods ALSO want GOOD songs for a threadā€¦and experienced usersā€¦that is a reason why your thread is locked and I myself havenā€™t made a threadā€¦

Ok there is all my input I have about your songā€¦hope people didnt think I didnt go TOO farā€¦but harsh critisism is better than nothing at allā€¦atleast in my opinionā€¦learn from it and get better

EDIT: SHEET 6 DID SOUND PRETTY GOODā€¦i think u should use something like that more oftenā€¦drums is your strong pointā€¦make a drum songā€¦there is a thread for it

Jesus Crist, Kamari!! It seems like Iā€™m your enemy or something!!Also, I like my music, and only me it seems!! So please, more nice than bad things!! Have you ever seen Bambi? Well, one of the lines in it is what Iā€™m about to say!! Or, like it. If you canā€™t say something nice, donā€™t say nothing at all!! Iā€™m also trying to become a good/well-known user!! If good users are what MODs want, I might as well quit someday!!

Kamari check these out. Iā€™m letting people use them for their songs. Each sheet is another drumbeat thing to use. Please use them people!!


Have you ever realised that kamariā€¦ the one who just wrote a who 5 paragraph post for you, the one who you just accused of being your enemy, just wrote out a whole page long goddamn post full of helpful critisim that was never meant to hurt anyones feeling but to just improve your abilites? Take the critisism, evaluate it, and damnit, appreiciate itā€¦ would you have wanted to write out a whole page long post critising my song? You know you wouldnā€™t.

Us notessimoers are a pretty small group of people, I can bet my account password (no not really) that 95%+ of active users already reconize your name.

AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH MODS? WANT GOOD USERS? Mods donā€™t want good users, all they want is shit to hit the banhammer with. whoosh Also donā€™t quit, weā€™re to small to lose another member.

Here is some things to revisit in my earlier postā€¦as roastmasters and I myself saidā€¦take the critismā€¦I do all the timeā€¦ive had alot of crappy sounding songs myselfā€¦but i dont post ALOT of them and they just sit around while i play with the instrument combosā€¦when i find one i like i stick with it and it becomes a songā€¦some of your earlier songsā€¦had a good startā€¦but after about the 4th sheet just went wrongā€¦so stick with what you start with in some of the songs you have made and you will surpass me and alot of people on notessimo

Here is a funny fact for you thoughā€¦You have the longest of my posts ever on Notessimo written to you as critismā€¦so its mainly to help youā€¦if i hated you i would say ā€œYOU SUCK LEAVE, NEVER COME BACKā€ Did I say that? NO!!! I still give some encouragement (not much sorry ) so i hope you grow from this and not think im a complete jackass and just leaveā€¦that happens to my dad too much on his forumsā€¦people just flame for no reasonā€¦in my opinion that is retarded

Now i guess i might work on a rock song to get this back on topic
Barkkid it wont be awesome im not putting myself on a pedistalā€¦ive gotten the same critism as youā€¦just way shorterā€¦its not to hurt, but to help

No! Thatā€™s not true. I just wanted my name to be green so ha!

Seriously though, of course we want good users. That doesnā€™t mean we want everyone to be great at making songs though. Just as long as theyā€™re a good ā€œuser,ā€ whether itā€™s making songs, critiquing songs, or just to read comments and listen to songs. As long as they arenā€™t doing anything wrong then that classifies a good user.

Also, Roasty is right. Kamari is just trying to help. He wants you to succeed, which is why heā€™s giving you tips, so no need to think of him as an enemy.


I donā€™t careā€¦

And now for something completely different

This is not a song, donā€™t call it a song, its more like aā€¦ 5 minute verse, and unlike the rest of my songs, it desperately lacks metal geetar and a feeling of hopelessness. As much as I love my metal geetar and my feelings of hopelessness, i knew it would be stupid to include suchā€¦ VILE things in such a pretty verse such as this. I strayed away from my usual arsenal of instruments and instead used brighter instruments in hope to make a brighter song.

Now that I have proven that roastmasters can write more than just depressing songs and epic guitar riffsā€¦ HAS ANYONE REALLY BEEN AS FAR AS DECIDED WANT TO DO MORE LIKE?

That was an epic song of epic proportions. It was almost the complete opposite of your usual musics, except for the greatness. The beginning sounded oddly familiar. It almost sounded like Everlong by the Foo Fighters. But Iā€™m glad you didnā€™t keep the same exact riff and just add more instruments (Fishā€™s Song, The Ocean, almost all of Unknownedā€™s Songs), but you made seem like this awesome tale of a journey, probably why you said there was a lack of hopelessness. But it gets a 4.97/5 from me. Great song.

Here we go:

Great intro. Very laidback. The drumwork was also pretty good. Typical Roastmaster stuff (yes, thatā€™s a compliment).

0:46 The clarinet part was absolutely amazing. Everything after that just keeps on getting better. I really like the uplifting atmosphere.

1:35 Sheet 23-25 sounded phunny :slight_smile:

2:07 Guitar solos are something you need to work on. This oneā€™s a bit messy in some areas. But overall, it wasnā€™t too bad. I sorta liked it. Same thing with that little piano solo.

3:15 Cymbals are too loud and the fender melody sounds good. Intense shit.

3:48 Melody sounds badass. This is my favourite part of the piece. The little fender parts from sheet 61-64 kinda killed it, though. But it still sounds great.

4:34 Ehhā€¦bad transition from sheet 69 to sheet 2. Effective ending. Horrah.

5/5 Rise of Credence > The Ocean


He means yours is better!