Nice! I think you should add some sustained guitar notes even if it’s in the background, though. Also, try for a different drum pattern at some point. Imagine a drummer doing that. They would get bored, probably! You need some excite-a-drums!
I tried improving it, but i don’t know what to do with this one.
Hey that was sweet ill change take that and change it a bit (don’t worry ill acknowledge you )
This should be fun …ill PM you what i get done…if that is OK
well… everyone got “van halen time” right? I just got inspired and made a solo (but, in my humble opinion, it sucks)
here listen.php?id=35126
P.S.:sorry, I don’t know why I can’t post the song on the post
I’m sorry but that was just as bad as a casual Pictosong. Please make a real song instead dropping random notes and calling it a solo.
I told you that sucked
man, I didn’t know it was that bad (bad as pictosong?! really?!)
Here is the newest version of Lightning Rock…probably the last too
I owe a great thanks to uchihakyle and his awesome skills they will show in this song.
even though its mostly me there is some really awesome stuff he did, 95+% of sheet 16 and beyond is his.
I mostly just changed that around.
So here you go enjoy and critisism is welcomed.
Bad as a pictosong? PFT not even close…pictosongs are what make your ears bleed…to do that u would need to have them almost all metal guitar except the high notes…make that flutes ROFL
that would be horrible…this is bad but not that bad…
V-v-v-very nice! The solo was good after the part I made… Ok, I’m done with this song. Good job.
Ya this was good times…good times
hope other people reply soon
Ya part of the solo i give credit to Pokemon RBY Gym Battle
I added some to the drums. They’re not super drastic changes/additions, I don’t think myself. Hope you like it!
This song is starting to belong in the “pass it on” thread, please continue it there if you desire too. But i think this song is good enough.
95% of your drum work was great and made the song better…my only complaint was the toms and sheet 2…i didn’t make it just a ton of notes because it overpowers the rest of the song…but that didnt do that all that bad…so it wasnt a bad changed
other than that not a drastic change but for the better
As ive said multiple times drumming is your strong point
man i want some critism…whatever i have another song im working on anyway
i would really love a rating
And here is my newest song…i might make it longer later
But its a loop
Exactly why its the drums I added to, Kamari!
Here’s my most recent song!
I now won’t mind critism as long as it’s not too harsh on me!
It was all to help you dude…
Now for about your song
Ahhh music to my ears
Your 16th notes didnt sound good that is all though…maybe you should have like 8th notes or i don’t really know it just doesnt sound all that great
and i mean have a completely different solos…i guess you would call them that…but yea its your best sounding song the metal guitar sounded great all except the solos was pretty epic IMHO
Now will anyone give critism on Lightning Rock or my “newest song”?
I don’t know what kind of criticism to give it! Except on my variation your right a bout the toms and I guess sheet 2.
And yeah. Arctic Heat is my best song so far. Also you’re right about the sixteenth notes but I’m keeping them as is.
I mean other than people that worked on it
but what do the people think?
us three have been the only people to post anything in the rock (original) thread for like 3 days no else has said a thing
Whoa. Your right dude.
Well here is some: Tapping solos in notessimo are insanely annoying. It’s notessimo, in my opinion, it needs to sound impossible to play, but still have some kind of structure. In a tapping solo, there’s a ton of repitition, so there’s isn’t a whole lot in that solo that kept me awake. If your going to do a tapping solo, make sure to change the key after every measure, as in this excerpt from my only song “MoodChanger,” which I actually hate now. You asked for critism, and I gave it. I actually LOVED your song. Nice!
Thank you for the critism…ya most of my songs (and most songs on notessimo) are very repititious
Oh no! I hope you didn’t take that the wrong way! Seriously I liked the song a ton.