Rock Thread (Original)

Wow what is up with the qoutes not working? Its funny but very strange

Gab used "
" at the beginning of each of his quotes, instead of "

" or [ quote=“xxxxxx”]. Mystery solved.

LOL wow
 i feel kinda stupid now whatever
thats kinda random to do that though lol

Hey guys! I decided to go ahead and post this song, since it’s and written to be epic, and it’s
epic. Well here you go!

One of the best use of scales I’ve ever seen, next to fishrocker level of scaliness.


Ovbiously. (rock)

I didn’t have to listen to the whole thing to determine its EPICNESS.

Me either! I havent even listened to half of it yet!

Oh dear, I think we’ve got another Roastmasters on our hands.

Normally I wouldn’t criticise people if they didn’t ask for it, but I don’t like your cocky attitude. I can take a joke - where a musician might playfully suggest that their song is the best song in the world at the minute, but they’re only allowed to do that once. Or twice maybe, depending on their charisma. But you really can’t go around assuming that all your songs are perfect, jokingly or not.

Alrighty then, your song;

I think too many people were fooled with your technical ability when it comes to theory. Most (not all) of the scales were perfect, and most of the arps were rhythmically perfect, yes. But that’s where it stops being so “epic”. The beginning is too strong. That can work for professional music, but rarely for Notessimo music. That whole section of 8|2|9 is completely ridiculous. It follows practically no laws of composition. It’s just ridiculously fast and loosely follows a scale. What was up with the rests at the end of those sheets? They were terrible. That section from 10 → 17 is quite nice, but completely irrelevant to the song. It just doesn’t fit. And that whole section from 18 to the end is just clichĂ©d and boring because you don’t introduce anything exciting except those arpeggios at the end of that section (sheet 23) which, it has to be said, are a little out of rhythm. The sheet twenty scale is a bit out of tune (which, personally, ruins it for me, though I’ll admit that’s just opinion). Overall, your chord progression isn’t ground breaking at all, giving the whole piece quite a generic feel (apart from the 8|2|9 part, but we’ve already established that that was just crazy). And your use of instruments isn’t top quality either - I’d work on what you’re producing with the metal guitar.

Please don’t take any of this to offense - apart from those (admittedly minor) flaws, the song was decent, and you should be very proud of your compositional skills (which are pretty good, just not as epic as you think they are). A fair amount of people have trouble following any sense of rhythm or tune, but you’ve got it pretty nailed. Just don’t get too self-righteous. Delusions of Grandeur and whatnot. With that mindset, you will eventually begin to think you’re better than everybody else. Someday you might make a pretty crap song, and you’ll assume that it’s perfect in every way because that’s just the mindset you have when you display your music, and you might just get too big of a shock when someone tells you that it’s pretty bad (I think that guy Unknowned got a bit upset when people started criticising his songs, if you want an example. It might have been something else, though, I’m not 100%). Nobody likes to lose a talented artist from it’s community because they got a bit upset when their standard started to slip.

Anyway, I hope I’ve given you some good advice. Chances are you’ll get a bit upset (most people do when I tell them stuff like this), just remember that I think you’re pretty talented, and I only have the best intentions.

Oh, and I’m only joking about the Roastmasters thing, he’s not as bad as he used to be, actually. Or maybe he is, I haven’t checked his thread in a while.

I get it, although I’d like to point out that I never said that this songs was the best in the world, only that I wrote it to BE epic. Whenever someone tells me a song is epic, whether it’s mine or not, I expect it to be epic, whereas most people use it to decribe a song as awesome or amazing. Epic songs, like many off of Final Fantasy and The Lengend of Zelda, are written to BE epic, but not all songs are epic. There are happy songs and sad songs, but none of them are written to BE epic. They are called epic, but in my opinion, just because its a good song doesn’t mean it’s am epic piece. I really don’t like it when I write a nice beautiful piece, written either to be nice or nostalgic about things people lost, and someone tells me it’s epic. Most of your points are very agreeable, considering there are no triplets in this game, so I guess I’m alright with everything. Thanks for actually giving me critism for a good song instead of just saying, “it’s good” and moving along.
EDIT: My only complaint is that now I expect a lot of people who liked my song will now change sides and say: Yeah, I didn’t like sheet 23 either, or something.

Ah, my bad then. I’m just so used to people using “epic” in the colloquial sense where they really mean “incredibly good” or “amazing”. To be fair though, I wouldn’t really class that as an epic song, so my natural reaction would be assume the other meaning (to me, an epic song has, primarily, a lot of orchestral instruments, dynamic build ups, and over-the-top intense harmonies. See: Blind Guardian).

I don’t think any of the points I made would change anyone’s opinions too much. But if it’s a point I made about a part they glossed over when listening to, and only just realised that they didn’t like it that much, haven’t I done you a favour in causing people to reaffirm it’s standard? Then you’d know to avoid composing similar parts in the future, and people would like your songs even more.

It’s nice to know we’ve got another composer who is willing to accept negative criticism. I dislike people who refuse to help themselves.

Wow, quick reply. As for the Youtube video, it was epic. And yes, I do have to agree that most epics are made using a big orchestra (which I did use somewhat). But I do have to ask: where would you catagorize my song? I still believe it’s epic, but I’d like to see where you’d put it. As for the change sides deal, that’s just what I’ve seen too many people do, they post they’re replies based on what they see other people post, so as with my other song on here: FourShadow, people told me about the mood shifts being random about four times before someone actually admitted they were being repititious.

Sadly, “epic” is one of the few terms used to categorise songs that isn’t an insult, so apart from epic and not epic, I’m not sure of any other way to class it.

I think there are little bits of epic poking through (the arps in 18, the build-up and eventual key change in 23-24), but the rest of it is too rocky to classify the song epic as a whole. The rest of the song has too many hard rock riffs, not enough flamboyance (too little an amount of big powerful chords, obvious harmonies, melodic phrases and key changes), and the wrong tone/instruments. I’d say it’s just alternative rock. Pretty awesome alternative rock, but I just don’t see it as epic.

I know what you mean about the changing opinions thing - peer pressure is rife around the interwebs. But sometimes opinions aren’t just blind agreement with a more powerful figure, or a person following their friends’ opinions. Sometimes another’s opinions cause them to realise something they hadn’t realised before, and their new opinion is a lot truer than their previous one. It’s hard to tell - seeing as most opinions are valid points. Just accept them all unless any opinions conflict with each other. In which case just go with the one closest to your own thoughts.

God, I feel old today.

Your song
those hyperspeed parts seemed kinda out of place
i liked your use of panning that was great
i myself wouldnt consider it epic but a couple notches down maybe
the semi-epic or a bit above area
the composition was great (rock) and there was some great parts
maybe some parts you could reorder (rock)
It was definatly WAY better than anything ive ever done
which the best would be on this forum Lightning Rock and that was a collab

i give it maybe a 8.5/10 mostly for great effort and great use of the fender guitar

orchestrals are DEFINATLY EPIC :|

ctrl f roastmasters 8 results found


LOL wow that is
i cant really come up with words for how random that is
yet not truly since you were mentioned a good amount in DCs post

New song: Assassinated. Here it.


I’ll let somebody else critique this song.
