Barkkid, your song have something, that makes it great, but it’s also very, very weird, I think it’s awesome, but really weird
now, here it’s, after 4 versions, all posted on the unfinished songs thread, here it is, my new song, Hymm of the Sea
It was a little inspired by Low Man’s Lyric by the way
I thought it was a great song! 8.5 out of 10. My only complaints: repetitive, and sheets 10 and 12 were out of nowhere random. Good points: LOVED your drumming.
Awful. As I said in the drum thread, the metal guitar is not a good part of the song, and the drums are good but repetitive. I don’t see where either of these songs are weird, but the first one was pretty good.
EDIT: to include gabrielbangyourhead, I’ve heard your song’s preview a few times and it was okay. To me, you and Barrkid are polar opposites. He’s good at drumming, whereas yours…well not so much. I liked the song itself, but the drums ruined it for me.
Okay assasinated…as i said on the drum thread not too bad just the random tempo changes throw me off
Hymm of the Sea…never listened to the whole thing in unfinished…i never listened enough to get to the metal guitar part…which was very out of place…and sadly…didnt sound all that great compared to the rest of the song…rock songs DON’T HAVE TO HAVE METAL GUITAR you know…even though we catagorize “rock” as songs with the metal guitar (just look at all my songs posted here)
Also what is up with your strat being so high? I think it should be lowered…but that might just be me
other than that not too bad
Whats with me making all these oddly structured songs recently?
I know, this one is pretty short, but my goal this time was to not make a 47 minute rock ballad with 70% of the instruments available, but instead it was to make a short, sweet, fast paced, 100% pure rock and motherfluffing roll song. No wimpy violins, no exotic piano riffs, just a few fenders playing scales and chords that don’t even exist.
Protip to UNKNOWNED: Lets analyse this title for a minute. It is named moscow! because it is the capital of a(n) (ex)communist super-power country. Keywords: SUPER POWER COUNTRY. Now the only reason why the exclamation point is there is so that the title gives some sort of image of excitement and hyperness in your song, WHICH BY THE WAY DELIVERS.
To be honest, there was a lot of issues in the song.
12 and 13 were my least parts of the song. After that, solos seemed to last forever.
And in the second chorus the congos can barely be heard. And if we could, it wouldn’t have a nice effect.
What pissed me off was the trumpets. They didn’t seem to bring me into the song any further but I had to listen to the rest of the “rock” song in order for this to be a fair (criticized) review.
When sheet 33 kicked in, it was basically the same thing over and over and over and over and over and over…must I GO ON?
Then 39 to 42 with a lot of off-beats…it sounded okayish so…yeah…
Then finally, 43 was pleasant enough until 44 came in. Then 45 and 46…better…by the least.
But then the same annoying riff kept coming in and for the love of bald people, how many times must we hear the same Fender riff?
The bass was (I think) the only best part in the song. So two thumbs up for that.
On Sheet 51, I couldn’t quite pick out the congos.
But then you totally abused the congos on most of the time. (Sheet 53 to 57.)
The final 6 sheets was the song should’ve been in the FIRST place.
So 3.2/5.0.
And don’t say I’m using the Unknowned scale so you can humilate me while you out another excuse. I’m using a basic level of rock…it’s not your best…but I’ll be nice. You’ll get there.
So…how do you like them’ apples?
Bass was great…and the drums were great in most places…but there was some kinda annoying parts…most of the song just dragged on…
Not your best but hey you made up for yourself in the last couple sheets i thought
I have to mention this, but during the sheets in the thirties, 33-38, the melody was a near perfect copy of Eye of the Tiger, especially when sheet 35 kicked in. Only real difference is the drums and bass. Anyone else notice that? Other than that…Great Song! On to the complaints: You said it was a “short” song; here, let me quote it:
and that wasn’t really a short song. How do you define a short song? I think it has to be under 60 seconds. Yet this one is about 4 minute long! And also, you said this:
Yet, you used a trumpet. Never in my life have I EVER heard a trumpet in a pure rock and roll song, unless it was to be funny.I liked how you used it to back up the fender, but really? Also, Piano is a huge part of Rock and Roll. That is, back in the fifties when it was considered “rock and roll.” That has it’s own genre, and anything after the 60s is just considered “Rock.” Not that that’s a bad thing, but you called yours “rock and roll,” not “Rock.” Therefore, your songs loses me there. I, for one, am a huge fan of all rock from the 50s to the 80s, and even a few from the 90s, like Pearl Jam. So don’t get me worng, it was a good song. But not a good “Rock and Roll” song. Actually, I would consider this a heavier piece, and would probably put it into either alternative or metal genres. Good day.
Here’s your “Saga of the Dragon” with some minor editing to fit what the people wanted
Like toning down the start a bit
And getting rid of your “faster” parts and adding some transitions
Hope you guys like it (and don’t sound like a jackass to you StarWars )
LOL thanks for the feedack
Truly the originaly me myself liked better after i posted it and listened to it a couple times
but ya it does change moods alot in the original…and i tried to fix it a bit