Rock Thread (Original)

Woah! Love the intro! Although, I wish it were as long or longer han the original, my only complaint.

Okay ill work on it then

ā€¦I didnā€™t ask for that, but okay. Just as a notice: Iā€™m going to remix all of my current songs and re-post them in my own thread once I get one.

Here you go its longer than the original by about 10 seconds
well whatever here you go (canā€™t wait to see the remixs of your songs )

That was an okay job, but as with the first, I only liked one part. This time, itā€™s the ending. I loved that! Iā€™ll be sure to include your parts when I edit this song.

Actually, that particular riff is only been used in Eye of the Tiger, as far as my memory serves. The one your refering to is this: a power chord, then the power chord exactly 3 half-steps up, then 2 more half-steps (or a full step) Demonstrtion: (Note: the songs are not in the correct key, as I had to use the same one for all three.)

As you can see, theyā€™re three completely different songs, yet the only chord variations are SotWā€™s F# Power Chord, and RGā€™s A# Power Chord. For those that donā€™t understand Steps: C-C#=1/2 step. C-C#-D-D#=3 half steps (based on the hypen (-)) D#-E-F=2 half steps.
EDIT: The curse of SP!

Hey Star wars.
This is Ponting from Fila city. I like the links you provide here. there is a very big collection of rocking songs with my brother in PC. He is a DJ. We have some party order this month. I have given your songs to my brother. He will experiment with this new songs. People will definitely like it. Thanks and stay connected to me.

??? You should probably PMed me this, just click the PM button next to my name.

Iā€™m not sure if Iā€™m misreading this post but I really REALLY hope you know the whole 47 pages in this thread donā€™t just belong to star wars ( ._.)

Can I redeem myself now?.. Iā€™m just going to go ahead and redeem myselfā€¦

I almost completely hate myself for the beginning. It doesnā€™t match the rest of the song at allā€¦ damnā€¦this doesnā€™t even feel like a song. It feels like a 47 minute rock ballad with a 46 minute introā€¦ or justā€¦ two different songs in one, orā€¦ orā€¦ I donā€™t know. JUST LISTEN


Really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really (tired of writing reallys), really awesome, and epic

But that fells like power metal to me.

The intro was a bit long, but this song is so good, it hurts.

I wasnā€™t really think that you had redeemed yourself until after sheet 60ā€¦then you did that was great after that

I thought it was okayā€¦

NOTE: Subscribers to epicness may include the following: Intimidation, Sweating, Paralyzation, Mind-Boggling Effectsā€¦and such sort of that,
If you are reacting to these effects, the best thing to do is repeat epicness over and over and over!

Ohh, the epicness.


Oh ho HO. New song huh!

Bad stuff that needs to be fixed in your future songs

  • You keep using the same old unknowned formula. Your songs are starting to get predictable. (minus the guitar solo of courseā€¦ i havenā€™t seen you make a guitar solo in likeā€¦ ever)
  • Drums are to repetitive, make a few fillsā€¦ remember what instrument weā€™re talking aboutā€¦ THE DRUMS, on notessimo itā€™s common knowledge that drums fills donā€™t need to make sense, if it makes sense then itā€™s not really a drum fill.
  • Stop using the metal guitar as a bass instrument. Yes I do this all the time too (check my new song >_>) but a instrument that loud and demanding, it deserves to be lead. REMEMBER CHILDRENS! IF ITā€™S NOT METAL GUITAR, ITā€™S NOT ALPHA GUITAR.
  • You should hurry up and get xbox live.


  • A+ riff. A+ Melody. Who cares if a song is to damn repetitive? When it has a good melody it doesnā€™t really matter.< please donā€™t take seriously
  • A++ Guitar solo. Seriously, you need to make more in your songs.
  • That last chorus was the best part of the song, seriously i didnā€™t even know that little instrument down there existed until this song.
  • You should seriously hurry up and get xbox live.

Okay, check off everything for what doā€¦except for Liveā€¦wait for another yearā€¦(puts big X in box beside ā€œGet Live.ā€)


Well, itā€™s my style. Not everybody elses.

12/10 Iā€™ve never listened (probably I have already) a song with this much of epicness, when I noticed I was with my eyes closed, felling the epicness andā€¦ Itā€™ was to intense for me to describeā€¦ Wowā€¦

Now, I tried making something good once again, but Iā€™m not really sure if I managed to do it

This was so experimental